Afghan Hound

This is an agile and extremely fast runner and is a sighthound meaning it hunts by sight. The thick coat of an Afghan protects it from extreme temperatures. Throughout America and Europe, they have become show dogs and luxurious pets due to their aristocratic beauty and elegance.

Physical Traits

Area of Origin: Sinai
Used for: Hunting, Companion
Average Life Span: About 14 years
Color: Generally all colors
Coat: Long, silky and rich
Average Height: 27 inches tall
Average Weight: 50-64 pounds
Group: Southern, AKC Hound

History and Domestication

The very elegant Afghan Hound has been mentioned several times in ancient Egyptian manuscripts and pictured in Northern Afghanistan caves about 4000 years ago.

In the late 19th century, British soldiers who had just returned from the border conflicts between India and Afghanistan introduced it to Europe.

Such was the aristocracy of Afghan Hounds that the breed’s exploitation was prohibited and kept pure for over centuries.

Standard Physical Characteristics

Considered to be an aristocratic sighthounds, the Afghan Hound is a tall and slender breed with a narrow, long and refined head, powerful jaws and a silky topknot. The back part of its skull and head are quite prominent with a black nose and a slightly convex muzzle. The Afghan has no or very little stop i.e. the transition area between the muzzle and backstop. Its dark eyes are in the shape of almonds with ears lying flat to the head. The Afghan Hound has a long and strong nose and a well tucked abdomen. It has a strong hipbone with strong and straight front feet which are covered with long hair. Its rich, long and silky coat is often the color of sand.

Care, Grooming and Health

Their long and thick coat demands a lot of attention. They need to be bathed as and when necessary. But avoid brushing in between baths to keep its coat shiny and long. Also, if you brush its coat during baths, it will make its coat more matted. If you don’t have to show him around, weekly baths are not that important. Many of them wear snoods when indoors so as to prevent their ears from food bowls. They are average shedders. This breed of dogs is a very healthy one.

Living Conditions

This breed of dogs isn’t suited for apartment life. They are comparatively active while indoors and do better with acreage. The Afghans can live indoors and outdoors but would be happy to sleep indoors.


The Afghans can be somewhat aloof but often socialize well. They must be trained kindly but in a firm manner. Afghan Hounds are known to be courageous, loyal, affectionate, dignified and sensitive with a low dominance level. It is often called as ‘King of Dogs’ due to its majestic, noble and elegant qualities. They can be suspicious of strangers but never turn hostile. However, they will pine if not provided proper and gentle leadership. They are very amenable to discipline and training but will disobey if not given clear guidelines and inconsistency on the part of the dog owner. Afghans are a difficult breed to housebreak and can turn timid and high-strung if they don’t receive enough physical and mental exercise.