American Foxhound

A native breed of America, the American Foxhound is also one of the rarest breeds. They are descends of the English hounds brought in America and bred with a French hound. They have been extensively used for hunting of wild animals. This breed has an excellent nose and is known to be a very fast dog. It is still primarily recognized as a hunting and field dog in both alone and packs. They are sometimes used as companion dogs by people who can provide them enough physical exercise. The American Eskimo is small to medium sized dog, known for its absolutely bright white coat, erect triangular ears and jet black points like eye rims, nose and lips. They were used a circus dogs once but now used as companion dogs and actively participate in conformation, agility and obedience competitions. It has a white double coat which has a dense undercoat and longer guard hair which forms its outer coat and stands off from its body.

Physical Traits

Area of Origin: America
Used for: Hunting, Companion
Average Life Span: 10-12 years
Color: Generally all colors
Coat: Soft and smooth
Average Height: 21-25 inches
Average Weight: 65-75 pounds
Group: AKC Hound

History and Domestication

Throughout the first half of the 1700s, they emerged in Virginia and Maryland. When Robert Brooke set ship for the Crown Colony in 1650, he carried a pack of hounds from all across France and England with him.

These hounds were the ancestors of American foxhounds. They would also serve as the ancestors of various American breeds.

Very similar to its English cousin, the American Foxhound was bred to be taller and lighter with a keener sense of smell and run faster in a chase

Standard Physical Characteristics

It is a large and handsome hound with long front legs which are straight-boned. Its large skull is slightly domed with a long head. Its broad and pendant ears frame its face. The American Foxhound has large and wide-set eyes in brown or hazel colors and have a sweet and imploring expression. The ears are flat to the head and wide.

Care, Grooming and Health

The dog is very tireless and energetic. To prevent extreme indoor restlessness, it must gets its daily dose of vigorous physical exercise. In fact, one should avoid taking it a family pet unless he can be provided with vigorous daily exercise. They need to be taken for brisk and long walks everyday while you jog or bicycle. Also, make him heel beside or behind you as by dog instinct, a leader leads the way and the leader has to be a human. They must be taught to enter and exit gates after humans.

This breed is an average shedder. Their short and smooth coat is easy to comb. Shampoo only when necessary.

Living Conditions

American Foxhounds are not suited for apartment life. They are a very active breed.


At home, the American Foxhound is gentle, sweet, affectionate and loving but while on a hunt, he is brave and an intense warrior. Due to their pack-hunting backgrounds they are get along well with other dogs and are also nice with kids. However, they cannot be trusted with non-canine pets. Their level of friendliness to strangers varies widely. Though they are friendly dogs but if one of them is allowed to see himself as a pack leader to humans he may turn protective. If given a chance, the dog will take off after an interesting scent. But this breed of dogs doesn’t always make the best house pets due to their inclination towards outdoor packs. They also need plenty of physical exercise daily. To be a consistent pack leader and avoid any kind of behavioral issues with him, you need to be firm, calm and confident while training him.