Boston Terrier

Also known as Boston Bulls, these adorable little dogs were actually used for pit-fighting and they were pretty tough fighters too. In fact, they were classified as lightweight, middleweight and heavyweight.

Physical Traits

Area of Origin: United States
Used for: Companion
Average Life Span: 13-15 years
Color: Seal, Black and White, Brindle and White, Brown and White
Coat: Short and silky
Average Height: 15-17 inches
Average Weight: 10-25 pounds
Group: Mastiff

History and Domestication

The dog was bred in Massachusetts in the size from pit-fighting dogs of the terrier and bull types. This is one of the breeds developed in USA by crossing English bulldog and English White Terrier which are now extinct.  By 1889, the breed had gain popularity in Boston and the admirers formed American Bull Terrier Club who proposed it be called ‘roundhead’. A little later, the breed was named ‘Boston Terrier’ after its birthplace. Over the years, the current dogs have mellowed down from their rough ancestry of pit-fighters.

Standard Physical Characteristics

Also known as Boston bulls, they are compact but well-muscled dogs. They have a square body which is pretty short too. The head is also square and flat in appearance and is in proportion to rest of the body. The muzzle is deep, wide and short. The nose is black and the stop is well-defined. The round, large and dark eyes are well set apart. The ears are small and erect and are either left natural or cropped. The neck arches slightly. 

Care, Grooming and Health

Their smooth and short-haired coat is easy to groom. Bathe only when necessary and use a firm-bristle brush for brushing. The prominent eyes must be cleaned properly and a damp cloth can be used for doing the same. Eyes and ears must be checked regularly for grass seeds. The breed is an average shedder.

They are fairly lightweight but still need to stay in shape by their long daily walks and some playing in a yard. Boston terriers are prone to eye problems such as cataracts and glaucoma and their prominent eyes are also prone to injury. They may also have breathing problems when stressed due to weather extremes.

Living Conditions

Boston terriers are ideal for both country and apartment life. The breed is relatively inactive when indoors and will do okay even if they have no yard. The breed is however sensitive to extreme weather conditions.


This is a gentle, alert, well-mannered and intelligent dog. But with not enough physical and mental exercise, these dogs may become high strung. The breed likes to learn and hence is very easy to train. But they are very sensitive to the tone of a person’s voice. Their trainers need to display authority or else the dog may think itself as the pack leader. This may lead to various behavioral issues. They do not bark much and are excellent with kids and friendly with strangers too. They are also get along with non-canine pets.