Brussels Griffon

The sturdy toy dog, Brussels griffon often looks like Ewok from the Stars Wars. Brussels griffons make good companion dogs due to their appealing character and friendly temperament.

Physical Traits

Area of Origin: Belgium
Used for: Companion dog
Average Life Span: 12-15 years
Color: Red, black and tan, solid black
Coat: Rough, long and wiry
Average Height: 7-8 inches
Average Weight: 6-12 pounds
Group: Terrier

History and Domestication

Three varieties of Griffon are available which are the Belgian Griffon, Brussels Griffon and Petit Griffon.

While Petit Griffon has a short and smooth coat, Belgian Griffon has a longer coat and Brussels Griffon has the longest coat among all three.

Brussels Griffon was once used by cab drivers to get rid of vermin, it has come to be used as a companion dog due to its appealing character.

They’re ancestry includes Affenpinscher, English Toy Spaniel, Irish Terrier and Yorkshire Terrier.

Standard Physical Characteristics

This small toy dog has a large round head with a deep stop and domed forehead. The short muzzle appears like it has been pushed back. It has a short black nose. The black eyes are very prominent with long eyelashes and are set wide apart. Ears are set high and left natural or cropped. Legs are strong boned and medium in length. Coat is available in two verities- rough and smooth. The smooth coat is dense and glossy while the rough coat is long and wiry.

Care, Grooming and Health

It has a long and wiry coat which requires lot of attention. Regular trimming will also be needed for kits rough coat. It sheds very little or no hair at all.

This breed is relatively active indoors and will do with moderate exercise. Their walking instinct must be satiated with long brisk walks everyday.

Brussels Griffon is slipped stifle, respiratory and eye problems. They are also very sensitive to heat.

Living Conditions

Griffons being companion dogs are well suited for apartment life and will do okay even in the absence of a yard.


This intelligent and cheerful dog has terrier-like disposition. It is amiable with other canine pets and cats and hence is a good choice for a companion dog. This breed is affectionate, lively, curious and charming, they love everyone. However, Griffons cannot live outside kennels and if you feed them table scraps you will have a picky eater or a greedy dog. Due to their face, which resembles a monkey they are also called as ‘monkey face’ and very often treated better than dogs- like tiny humans! But it may cause small dog syndrome and you’re adorable little terrier might believe that ‘it’ is the owner of the house and occupies alpha position. Various behavioral problems may arise due to it like excess barking, willfulness, guarding, snapping and sometimes biting. Also make sure that they are exercised regularly on mental and physical levels. Without ample exercise, they may become moody and high-strung.