
The massive and powerful Bullmastiff descends from Bulldogs and Mastiffs. Once considered fierce and threatening, they now make for excellent family pets.

Physical Traits

Area of Origin: United Kingdom
Used for: Guarding, companion
Average Life Span: Under 10 years
Color: Fawn, red or brindle with black markings on the head
Coat: Rough and shorthaired
Average Height: 25-27 inches
Average Weight: 110-133 pounds
Group: Mastiff

History and Domestication

The Bullmastiff was obtained by crossing Bulldogs and Mastiffs. It took nearly three generations of Bullmastiff’s to be recognized as purebreds. This breed is used to be fierce and threatening but trained not to bite intruders. They were used as gamekeepers’ dogs to tackle, track and hold poachers. But later their need as gamekeeper’s dogs went down so the dark brindle variety gave way to lighter colors. They are used as hunting guards and aiding police and army work. Bullmastiff’s also make as good family pets.

Standard Physical Characteristics

Though it has a powerful and massive built, yet it is not a cumbersome dog. The broad and large skull is wrinkled while the muzzle is deep, broad and dark in color. It has a flat forehead and moderate stop. The nose is black and has wide nostrils. The hazel eyes are medium-sized. The skull has a square appearance due to the V-shaped ears which are set wide and high and carried close to the cheeks. It has a short and straight back.

Care, Grooming and Health

They have a shorthaired and a slightly rough coat but it is very easy to groom. Use a firm bristle brush for combing and brushing and bathe only when necessary. Trim their nails regularly and also keep an eye on their feet. They are very light shedders.

They have to be taken on long daily walks. If not done, the dog may develop behavioral issues.

Bullmastiffs are prone to tumors, hip dyslexia and eyelid problems. They are also prone to bloating so feed them small meals during the day. But avoid overfeeding as they gain weight very easily.

Living Conditions

If sufficiently exercised, they will do okay in an apartment. As they are relatively inactive indoors only a small yard will be required. Bullmastiffs enjoy living with family and makes for a reliable companion and guardian. However, they cannot tolerate temperature extremes.


Bullmastiffs are alert and devoted guard dogs and have a good-natured temperament. They are obedient and docile but can turn fierce if provoked. They are also very unlikely to attack but they are capable of attacking and holding intruders. But at the same time, they are very tolerant towards children and maintain an even temper. They are extremely powerful dogs and crave human leadership. They need firm and consistent masters who can thoroughly train them in obedience. Also make sure you socialize them with people and other dogs at an early stage. They are also more dominant than mastiffs and their nature with other pets will depend on how well you communicate with him.