
The medium-sized, squarely proportioned Canaan dog dates back to biblical times and was extensively used by Israelites for guarding and herding. The breed is still used by various desert-dwelling Arab tribes to guard their camps and herds.

Physical Traits

Area of Origin: Israel
Used for: Guarding, watchdog, search and rescue, tracking
Average Life Span: 12-15 years
Color: Tan, brown, solid black, red, liver, white or patched patterns
Coat: Double- harsh outer coat and a softer and denser undercoat
Average Height: 19-24 inches
Average Weight: 35-55 pounds
Group: Herding

History and Domestication

The Canaan dog originated in the land of Canaan through breeding of wild Israeli dogs dating back to biblical times and which worked as guard dogs for the people of Israel. Several drawings have been found of dogs resembling Canaan dogs which date back to 2200 BC. The Bedouins or Arab desert dwelling groups still use these dogs for guarding their herds and camps. These dogs even work as mine detectors and work way better than various machines. Their other talents include search and rescue, messenger, tracker, war sentry, herder etc.

Standard Physical Characteristics

This breed is squarely proportioned and medium in size. The head is a slightly wedge-shaped and has a defined but shallow stop. The muzzle is about the same size as head but is tapered. The nose comes in varying colors depending on the color of the coat. The hazel eyes are slightly slanted and almond shaped. The neck is well-arched and ears are erect and mobile. The legs are straight but the feet are cat-like and have hard pads. This breed has a double coat.

Care, Grooming and Health

The Canaan dog is a very clean breed and has no dog odor. It is very easy to groom and requires just combing and brushing once a week. However, more attention is needed when it is shedding ad this is a seasonally heavy shedder breed.

Since it is a working breed, it is not suggested that you let it sit. The breed needs lots of daily mental and physical exercise which includes long daily walks, jogging, strenuous game sessions and herding exercises. This is generally a very healthy breed.

Living Conditions

The Canaan can do well in an apartment provided it gets its daily mental and physical exercise. This breed is moderately active indoors and does best with an average sized-yard. The dense coat of the dog protects it from extreme temperatures whether hot or cold. They can live outdoors and make excellent watch dogs.


The Canaan dog isn’t only an excellent herder but it excels in tasks requiring agility, obedience and tracking. The breed can work well in a team but can also think independently. They will respond well to motivational and physical training but repetitive training will bore them. This is an exceptionally intelligent breed and does well in obedience. Canaan dogs are alert, devoted and gentle and love year families. However, they also have higher dominancy levels and dominate other pets.