Chesapeake Bay Retriever

The powerful and muscular dogs have been developed through careful breeding of various English retrievers. They are mainly used for tracking and hunting.

Physical Traits

Area of Origin: United Kingdom
Used for: Hunting, guarding, tracking and watch dog
Average Life Span: 10-12 years
Color: Red, brown, sand or tan
Coat: Short-haired, harsh and oily with a wave
Average Height: 23-26 inches
Average Weight: 65-80 pounds
Group: Gun dog, Sporting group

History and Domestication

When an English ship with two Newfoundland on board wrecked off the coast of Maryland in 1807, almost everyone was saved along with two dogs which were given to a family of dog lovers. These dogs were later mated with other local retrievers like flat-coated, English Otter hounds and curly-coated retrievers. With careful breeding over the years, we now a have breed of retrievers which display incredible endurance and enthusiasm. These dogs were used to hunt waterfowls in the ice cold waters of Chesapeake Bay and hence the name. Water rolls over their coat like a duck. Some of their talents include hunting, tracking, and guarding and watch dog.

Standard Physical Characteristics

The Chesapeake Bay retriever is a muscular and powerful dog. They have a broad head with a medium stop and a muzzle about the size of its skull. The eyes range from yellow to amber in color and are wide-set. The ears are small and set high. The tail is heavy at the base but medium in length. Their feet have webbed toes which help them in swimming. The oily coat helps to repel water quite like a duck’s feather and also helps in drying quickly. This enables the dog to swim in colder waters.

Care, Grooming and Health

The dense and harsh coat of a Chesapeake Bay Retriever is oily and short-haired and has a distinct smell, yet it is easy to groom. The dead hair can be removed by brushing with a firm bristle brush. These dogs need to be bathed occasionally to prevent any foul smell but not too frequently as it strips them off their oily texture.

This dog needs a lot of exercise and vigorous activity and swimming if possible. If they do not get enough exercise they may develop bad behavior from bottled up energy and boredom. They need to be taken on long daily walks or jogs.

This breed is prone to hip dyslexia and eye problems.

Living Conditions

This breed is not suited for an apartment life. They are inactive indoors and hence will need an average sized yard. Chesapeake Bay retrievers often prefer sleeping outdoors as they prefer cooler climates.


These enthusiastic dogs are very brave and intelligent. These are also very trainable and are always eager and willing to please they’re masters. With children, these dogs are affectionate, loving and friendly.  They have a passion for swimming, water and retrieving. This breed is not recommended for an inexperienced or new owner as they need firm, confident and naturally authoritative handlers. Else, they may develop dominance problems and will become willful. The Chesapeake tends to be more dominant than other kind of retrievers.