Chinese Crested

The Chinese crested dogs are not actually Chinese but African. They were brought to China to get rid of vermin.

Physical Traits

Area of Origin: Africa
Used for: Companion
Average Life Span: 12-15 years
Color: Any color from solid to spotted
Coat: Soft and wavy for powder-puffs, no coat on hairless
Average Height: 12 inches
Average Weight: Not over 10 pounds
Group: Southern, AKC Toy

History and Domestication

Though they are called Chinese Crested, the dainty dogs originated in Africa where they were known as “African Hairless Terriers”.

They were brought onboard by Chinese trading ships that stopped along the African shores. They renamed these dogs as ‘Chinese Crested’ and the name has stuck since then.

The Aztecs or ancient Native American tribes used these dogs as bed warmers and also ate them. This dog is often used in rare breed dog shows.

Standard Physical Characteristics

There are two varieties of the Chinese crested dog, the “powderpuffs” and the “hairless”. As the name suggests, the hairless variety has no hair except at feet, tail and head. The powderpuffs have a full coat. The skin and coat can be of any color, both solid and spotted. The Chinese crested dogs have a wedge-shaped head and a short muzzle. The color of the nose can be dark or light. The eyes are almond-shaped and have the same color as of the dog.

Care, Grooming and Health

The Chinese crested dogs are a very clean dog breed with no doggie odor. However, powderpuffs require extra grooming along with regular double-brushing of their long fine coat. Their wooly undercoat may become matted if not taken care of. The hairless need to be bathed regularly and to keep their skin supple, massage it with oil or cream. The hairless variety does not shed but powderpuffs need to be taken care of as they are average shedders.

It may seem quite tempting to carry these dainty creatures about, but these small dogs too need their daily walk. Play takes care of their exercise needs but it doesn’t cater to their primal walking needs. These shouldn’t be confined to a small area but they would love to romp about in a fenced-in yard.

As they gain weight very easily, hence overfeeding must be avoided. The exposed skin on hairless variety needs special attention to avoid any skin allergies or irritations. They are also prone to tooth loss and decay. However, the powderpuff variety has healthier teeth. A lot of these dogs are allergic to lanolin and wool.

Living Conditions

These dogs are good for apartment life. As they are fairly active indoors so they will do well without a yard. But do not confine them to a small area just because they are small in size. They should wear a sweater in cold weather.


This is the most popular hairless breed and is very rare. These dogs are agile, alert, charming and very lovable. They are very nice and affectionate with children and are very entertaining and amusing. The breed shouldn’t be babied or they might get timid. This is an intelligent breed and can perform tricks.