English Cocker Spaniel

The English Cocker Spaniel gets its name ‘Cocker’ from a woodcock which happened to be a game bird these dogs were known to flush. Apart from that, these dogs also make excellent guard and hunting dogs. They can work in dry as well as wet terrain.

Physical Traits

Area of Origin: England
Used for: Hunting, tracking, retrieving and guarding
Average Life Span: 12-15 years
Color: Solid black, red or liver, or in liver and red, black and white
Coat:  Cottony and matty or long silky and flat-lying
Average Height: 15-17 inches
Average Weight: 28-34 pounds
Group: Gun Dog

History and Domestication

This is one of the oldest Spaniels known. These dogs were earlier known as general spaniel- type dogs before they were imported in to England. These were then divided into seven different types of spaniels as- the Cocker Spaniel, the English springer, The Sussex, the Clumber, the Welsh Spaniel, the Irish Water and the Field. Until 1892, only size was differentiated between the Cocker spaniels and the Springer Spaniels and they were developed together. Later the Kennel club of England recognized them as separate breeds. The English cocker spaniels are excellent hunting and guard dogs and can work well in dry and wet terrains.

Standard Physical Characteristics

This is a medium-sized compact dog with an arched head. The muzzle is about the same length as the head but with a defined stop. Nose can be black or brown depending on the color of the coat. Ears are set low and hang close to the ground and are covered in long and silky hair. The oval eyes are medium in size and can be dark brown or hazel in color. These dogs have a deep chest and straight legs. 

Care, Grooming and Health

The coat needs to be brushed and combed regularly. Various coat types are available within the breed. Some of them have an excess amount of cottony hair and are vulnerable to matting while others have flat-lying and silky coats. Bathe only when necessary. Ears must be checked regularly for grass seeds and signs of infection.

These dogs will enjoy as much exercise as you can provide. They love to be taken on long daily walks. 

This breed is prone to ear infections. Especially during summer months extra care is needed and ears should be checked often. As their ears hang close to the ground they can attract ticks and burrs. Do not overfeed as tis breed gains weight easily.

Living Conditions

They will do okay in an apartment if provided with ample exercise. An average-sized yard will be required.


The sturdy and robust dog is very intelligent, lovable, pleasant and playful. These are excellent with children and are gentle and playful in general. They are moderate barkers and are happy to listen to their masters. This is generally and an outgoing breed and makes excellent companion dogs. However, some can be shy due to lack of socialization. There are two lines of these dogs-field line and show lines. The Field line is bred for hunting while the other one is for shows. They do not respond well to harsh discipline and are sensitive to the tone of the voice of their owner.