English Foxhound

The English Foxhound is a bit stockier and slower than the American Foxhound but at the same time these dogs have an incredible stamina and a great sense of smell. They were used to chase foxes with hunters and can run for hours at a time.

Physical Traits

Area of Origin: England
Used for: Hunting, tracking, watchdog
Average Life Span: Less than 10 years
Color: Black, black and tan or tricolor (black, tan and white)
Coat: Short, hard, dense and glossy
Average Height: 20-25 inches
Average Weight: 65-70 pounds
Group: Hound

History and Domestication

The English Foxhound dates back to 1800s and was developed in Great Britain. Since the 1800s, studbooks were kept by British Masters of foxhound where records of over 250 different hunting packs of Foxhounds were stored. 

The English Foxhound was developed by crossing a variety of hounds with Greyhound, Bulldog and Fox Terrier. This breed has an incredible stamina and was used to chase foxes with hunters on horseback. They impressive have an impressive stamina and a good nose and can run for hours continuously. 

Standard Physical Characteristics

The English Foxhound is a hunting dog and very athletic by nature. These dogs have a wide skull and a long muzzle. The nose is about 4 inches in length and has wide-open nostrils. Ears are set low and hang to the head where they lie flat. The eyes are large and brown in color. They have straight legs and cat like feet which are round. The tail is long and set high. 

Care, Grooming and Health

These dogs have a short and hard coat which is easy to groom. Comb and brush with a firm bristle brush and shampoo or bathe only when necessary. This breed sheds moderately.

This breed requires extensive exercise in order to remain happy. The dog needs to be taken on long daily walks or for jogging or running. These dogs can run for hours so putting a backpack on them will help in draining their energy quicker. Also do not let them off leash unless in a safe area as these are active hunting dogs and will take off after an interesting scent. 

This is generally a very healthy breed. 

Living Conditions

English Foxhounds are not meant for an apartment life. They are very active indoor and will do best with acreage. 


The English Foxhound is an active dog and a courageous hunter. It has high energy levels and requires daily exercise. The dog can be trained easily as it is willing to be obedient but training takes patience and understanding. These dogs are excellent with children and adults but prefer to be in company of other animals. They like to bay and run. They can run at consistent speed for five to six hours untiringly. The English foxhound slow down when they are seven or eight years old. But without enough exercise, these dogs can become destructive and develop behavioral issues.