Field Spaniel

The medium-sized field spaniel was considered the same as English Field Spaniel until 20th century. These dogs are excellent at hunting and retrieving, yet remain a rare breed due to the latter’s more popularity.

Physical Traits

Area of Origin: England
Used for: Tracking, hunting, retrieving and watchdog
Average Life Span: 10-12 years
Color: Black, shades of liver, with or without tan markings
Coat: Medium length, flat or slightly wavy
Average Height: About 18 inches
Average Weight: 35-50 pounds
Group: Gun dog

History and Domestication

The Field Spaniel originated in England in 1800s and until 20th century was considered the same breed as the Cocker Spaniel.  These dogs were used for flushing and retrieving both fur and feather in land as well as water. Then in 20th century it was decided that any dog above 25 pounds would be classified as a Field Spaniel and below it would be called an English Cocker Spaniel. Even though it is a fine breed with great and mild disposition, it still remains a rare breed due to more popularity of the Cocker Spaniels. 

Standard Physical Characteristics

The Fields Spaniels are medium-sized dogs.  The skull is smaller in front and wider towards the back. They have a strong, long and lean muzzle with a moderate and well-defined stop.  The nose is large and can be dark brown to black in color depending on the color of the coat. The almond-shaped eyes are medium in size and can be from dark hazel to brown in color. The neck is muscular and strong. The wide ears are medium-length and set below the eyes and hang close to the head. 

Care, Grooming and Health

The Field Spaniel must be brushed and combed once or twice a week. Straggling hair must be trimmed in a few months. Dead hair can be removed by plucking. Keep their ears clean.

This is primarily a working dog and needs lots of exercise. These dogs are happiest when given a chance to run about and explore. But beware cause they like to follow their noses and can take off after interesting scents. It will however, adapt to family living quite effortlessly. Do take it on long daily walks.

Field Spaniels are prone to hip dysplasia and ear infections.

Living Conditions

This dog is nThis breed is not recommended for apartment life. They are moderately active indoors and will need an average-sized yard. Also fencing your property would be a good idea as these dogs have natural hunting instincts and follow their noses. Field Spaniels are not suited for kennels and prefer cooler climates.


The active robust dog has a very pleasant temperament. It is easygoing, affectionate, charming and intelligent but independent by nature. As long as it receives daily physical and mental exercise, it will make a very good pet. This breed is especially known for its docile nature. But socialize the dog at an early stage to avoid timidity. This is very friendly breed and loves everyone but they like rough play, so cannot be trusted with infants.