Finnish Lapphund

The combination of looks of northern type dog and the temperament of a herding dog is what makes the Finnish Lapphund so exquisite. The medium-sized breed was developed to work along the Arctic Circle and hence its thick and profuse coat does an excellent job of keeping it warm in cold temperatures. The sweet and expressive face of this dog gives it a teddy-bear like appearance.

Physical Traits

Area of Origin: Finland
Used for: Herding, companion
Average Life Span: 12-14 years
Color: Black, blonde, brown and tan
Coat: Double, thick and profuse undercoat and coarse topcoat
Average Height: 16-21 inches
Average Weight: 37-42 pounds
Group: Herding

History and Domestication

The original Finnish Lapphunds were developed in the Sami region of Finland as helpers for the semi-nordic people. Over the years the Sami culture evolved into more sedentary existence and revolved around keeping reindeer herds. At the same time, these dogs evolved from hunting dogs to herding dogs and started aiding in maintain reindeer herd. With the advent of snowmobile, the breed lost its popularity but it still retains it herding instincts. They still remain a popular pet choice in the area.

Standard Physical Characteristics

The Finnish Lapphund is a medium-sized dog and has a strong built. It is slightly longer at its withers. The dog has long hair with a long snout. The ears are set high and are prickly. They have distinctive facial marking and one such marking is known as “spectacles” where a ring of lighter colored hair is formed around its eyes. The tail is carried curving over the back and has thick long hair.

Care, Grooming and Health

The thick and profuse coat of a Finnish Lapphund only requires modest amount of maintenance. The double coat needs to be brushed or combed twice a week and bathe only when necessary. 

As it is a herding breed, a decent amount of exercise will be required to keep them physically and mentally fit. Long daily walks are required to satiate their canine instincts along with some form of play like running, jogging or swimming.

This is generally a healthy breed but suffers from some heredity eye defects like cataracts and Generalized progressive retinal atrophy (GPRA).

Living Conditions

This breed is not suited for apartment life. Their thick coat only allows them to stay in colder regions.


This is an active and intelligent breed. Due to their high intelligence, training this breed becomes relatively easier. Some people even claim that “Lappies” even have the ability to think through their actions beforehand. This is a friendly and alert dog and makes a good watchdog as it has a tendency to bark at unfamiliar things. These dogs have herding instincts and sometimes even bark without purpose which can be controlled by proper training. They are ideal choice for family pets as the breed is good with children and is very friendly and affectionate.