
No other canine borders the grace, agility and speed of the greyhound and this is the primary reason why Greyhounds have been bred as hunting dogs for millennia. Their keen sense of smell and sight and their loyal and devoted companionship have endeared these dogs to people and made them one of the top choices as hunting dogs.

Physical Traits

Area of Origin: England
Used for: Hunting, sighting, watchdog, agility
Average Life Span: 10-12 years
Color: All colors
Coat: Short and smooth
Average Height: 28-30 inches
Average Weight: 65-80 pounds
Group: Southern, AKC hound

History and Domestication

This is a very ancient breed and one of the fastest in the world that can attain the speed of 40 miles per hour. Drawings and carvings of early Greyhounds have been found in Egyptian caves that date back to 2900 B.C. They are assumed to be descendants of the Arabian Sloughi and were brought to England by traders in 900 A.D. these dogs are excellent hunters and are known to hunt rabbits, hare and stag. Their keen sense of smell and sight makes them excellent hunters. They are able to chase their prey without stopping for rest. There are two lines of Greyhounds being bred: show lines and racing lines.

Standard Physical Characteristics

Greyhounds are tall and slender with a long and narrow head which gets wide between the ears. The muzzle is long and tapering with no stop. The rose ears are small and folded which get semi-perked as these dogs get excited. The eyes are of dark color and the long neck is slightly arched. The legs are long and the front legs are perfectly straight. The chest is deep and wide.

Care, Grooming and Health

The smooth and shorthaired coat is quite easy to groom. Use a firm bristle brush for brushing once in a while, dry shampoo when necessary. This breed sheds moderately.

As they are hunting dogs, they need lots of physical exercise. When kept as pets, make sure they get ample physical activity. Take them out for long daily walks, let them run free for a while in an open ground or safe area or take them out for jogging. These dogs love regularity in their routine.

Greyhounds are prone to hypothyroidism and bloat. They are also sensitive to drugs.

Living Conditions

If it gets enough exercise, Greyhound will do okay in an apartment. It is relatively inactive indoors and a small yard will be required. Do not let them off leash as they have a chasing instinct and they are pretty fast so catching up with them will not be easy.


Greyhounds are brave, intelligent, laid-back, devoted, charming and loving dogs. Their sweet temperament is often undervalued due to their reserved behavior with strangers. They are sensitive to the tone of the voice and will not listen if they feel they are more strong minded. Calm and consistent training is required as they do not respond well to harsh discipline. These dogs are calm and even-tempered.