Kerry Blue Terrier

The Kerry Blue Terrier is an all-purpose dog apart from being intelligent and always game. These dogs were originally bred for hunting and retrieving but they can now be found in almost every domain including agility, show ring, herding and earthdog rings.

Physical Traits

Area of Origin: Ireland
Used for: Hunting, herding, retrieving, agility, obedience
Average Life Span: 12-15 years
Color: Slate to light blue gray at maturity; born black and the color fades slowly
Coat: Soft, wavy and dense
Average Height: 18-20 inches
Average Weight: 33-40 pounds
Group: Terrier

History and Domestication

The breed gets its name “Kerry” from the place of its origin which was County Kerry in Ireland; the “Blue” comes from the coat color. The Kerry Blue Terrier originated in 1700s in Ireland and back home, it is known as the Irish Blue Terrier. The silky and wavy coat of this dog can be attributed to its ancestor – the Portuguese Water dog. Others argue that a lot more breeds contributed to developing the Kerries like Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier, Irish Wolfhounds and the Irish Terriers. Many are of the view that the dog was developed as an answer to the Irish Wolfhound used by the royalty.

Standard Physical Characteristics

The Kerries are medium-sized muscular dogs. The head is long and in proportion to rest of the body along with a flat skull and slight stop. The black nose has wide nostrils. The black eyes are small. The ears are V-shaped and small and carried forward during adulthood. However, during puppy stage the ears can be taped. The long neck widens towards the shoulders and the tail is high-set.

Care, Grooming and Health

These dogs need to be brushed or combed once a week to keep them clean. Trimming is required twice a year. Hair has to be pulled out from the ear canal as these dogs are prone to ear infections and long hair will only attract more wax and dirt. Without proper amount of care, their beard tends to get smelly and dirty. This breed sheds little or no hair.

These are active dogs and need to be taken o daily walks along with some running or jogging. This is generally a healthy breed but some are prone to hip dysplasia, cataracts, spiculosis, PNA and cerebellar abiotrophy.

Living Conditions

Kerries are good for apartment living. They are active indoors and only a small yard will be needed.


The Kerry Blue Terrier is playful, animated and comical terrier with a reputation of making people laugh. Kerries are affectionate dogs and like to be with their owners. At the same time, they can also be alert, rowdy and determined and often enjoy roughhousing. This also makes a good watchdog and will not attack unless provoked. When properly trained and improvised, the Kerries are good with other pets and strangers. However, due to their protecting instincts, these dogs must be properly socialized.