
The Kuvasz is a peerless livestock guard due to its fearless and courageous temperament. This dog is capable of acting right at the moment without waiting for an instruction and can cover rough terrain for long durations. This is a well-muscled and agile breed.

Physical Traits

Area of Origin: Tibet
Used for: Herding, guarding, companion
Average Life Span: 10-12 years
Color: White or ivory
Coat: Medium-length double coat, wavy ad coarse outer coat; fine undercoat
Average Height:  28-30 inches
Average Weight: 100-115 pounds
Group: Flock guard, AKC working

History and Domestication

This breed gets its name from the Turkish word “Kawasz” which means “armed guard of the nobility”. This breed originated in Tibet but was developed in Hungary to look the way it does today. These dogs served as companions to the rulers of European and Hungarian empires and were owned exclusively by the royalty. A century later, the common people had access to this breed and it was thereby developed as a flock guardian to work with sheep and cattle.

Standard Physical Characteristics

The Kuvasz is one of the larger working breeds and is a fearless and courageous flock guardian. The muzzle is in proportion to the head with a well-defined stop. The black nose has large nostrils. The lips are black. The V-shaped thick ears are well-set back and rounded at the tip. The almond-shaped eyes are brown in color and set apart. This is a well-muscled and medium-boned breed. The neck has a mane that reaches the chest.

Care, Grooming and Health

The Kuvasz has a thick and medium coat which must be brushed weekly. Bathe only when necessary as this will strip the coat of essential oils. Instead of bathing, opt for combing or brushing. In order to clean them, you can rub their coat with talcum powder and brush it out. Check behind their ears for matting. They shed all year round in hot weather while in colder climates they are less likely to shed.

The Kuvasz has high energy requirements. It needs to be taken on long daily walks or jogs if it is not actively working as a flock guard. This breed is prone to hip dysplasia, skin problems and allergic reactions. They may also drool or slobber.

Living Conditions

The Kuvasz is not suited for an apartment life. This breed is fairly active indoors and needs a large yard. Also, do not leave them outside for longer durations of time as they may become destructive.


The Kuvasz is an intelligent dog and makes a good family pet. These dogs were bred to be flock guards and hence they have strong territorial and dominance instincts. They are suited for owners who can display a firm and natural authority over the dog. This dog is devoted to its family and does best with kids if it is raised with them. It is still recommended to not leave this dog unsupervised with kids as it will fireclay defend its territory and people.