Manchester Terrier

The lively, spirited dog is an authentic terrier in all senses. In Victorian England, the dog is known as “The Gentleman’s Terrier” and is not a just another sparring dog, it rather loves a good chase. There are two varieties of the Manchester Terrier: The Toy and the Standard. This is a neat breed and tends to groom itself.

Physical Traits

Area of Origin: England
Used for: Hunting, companion
Average Life Span: About 15 years
Color: Black and tan
Coat: Short, smooth and sleek
Average Height: Toy: 10-12 inches; Standard: 15-16 inches
Average Weight: Toy: 6-8 pounds; Standard: 17-18 pounds
Group: Terrier, AKC toy

History and Domestication

The Manchester Terrier was developed and bred in England in order to hunt rats and other vermin. The breed was developed from the Black and Tan Terrier which is the oldest known terrier breed.  This breed earned the name “rat terrier” due to its sharp ability to hunt rats and mice. They still retain their ability to hunt but can be a cuddly house pet at one moment and an efficient worker the next moment.

Standard Physical Characteristics

Toy and Standard are the two varieties of the Manchester Terrier. These dogs have a smooth, muscular and compact body with a long and narrow head which is tight skinned. The long and tapering head has a slight stop. Ears can be V-shaped, erect or cropped. The almond-shaped small eyes are dark and nearly black. The nose is also black.

Care, Grooming and Health

The short and shiny coat of this breed requires almost very little or no grooming. This is a neat breed and these dogs prefer to clean themselves. This breed is easy to look after. This breed sheds moderately.

The Manchester Terrier requires plenty of exercise along with a long daily walk. They would love to play and run off-leash regularly. These are fast runners and can maintain that speed for quite a while. They would also enjoy swimming or running alongside your bicycle. Do not let them off-leash unless in a secure area as they would take after smaller creatures. Some lines are prone to glaucoma and bleeding disorders. Do not leave them in sun for longer durations as they might develop heat bumps.

Living Conditions

The Manchester Terrier is recommended for apartment living. This is an active breed but will do okay without a yard. They prefer warmer climates.


The Manchester Terrier is a sharp-witted, intelligent breed that is eager to learn. These dogs are agile, powerful, high-spirited and cunning and display the true terrier nature which is faithful and independent. They are loyal and devoted to their owners and form a bond early on. Discerning and devoted, they love to please their owners and learn things fairly quickly. They thrive on owner attention and need their humans to be pack leaders. These dogs become upset when left alone and without enough exercise may become destructive, bored or hyper.