Miniature Schnauzer

The Miniature Schnauzer is known for its distinguished appearance which includes whiskers and a double coat. With its walrus like moustache and a quivering enthusiasm, the Miniature Schnauzer will make you laugh every day. This dog has got it all from intelligence, extrovert temperament, affection to a humorous personality. This dog will never leave you alone (not even in the bathroom) and will curl up in your lap whenever it gets a chance. With a Miniature Schnauzer in your house, you will never be bored.

Physical Traits

Area of Origin: Germany
Used for: Hunting, tracking, watchdog, companion
Average Life Span: About 15 years
Color: Salt and pepper, black and tan, solid black
Coat: Double and wiry
Average Height: 12-14 inches
Average Weight: 10-15 pounds
Group: Terrier

History and Domestication

The Miniature Schnauzer was developed from the standard Schnauzer in Germany and was displayed as an individual breed in 1899. The dog was originally bred to be farm dog that could go underground after vermin. These dogs still retain their abilities of a farm dog but make equally good companions.

Standard Physical Characteristics

The Miniature Schnauzer is a little and steady dog with a square body. The head is strong and rectangular and the muzzle is long and ends bluntly. The small eyes are deep-set and dark brown in color while the nose is black. Ears are set-high on the head. The front legs are straight and tail is often cropped.

Care, Grooming and Health

The wiry coat needs attention though it is not difficult to take care of the same. In order to avoid matting, it needs to be combed daily with a short wire brush. They also need clipping twice a year and any mats must be cut as soon as they form. The whiskers need cleaning after meals. They shed little or no hair.

These are energetic little dogs and love playing off leash. But they still need to be taken on long daily walks. They would be happy to romp in an open yard off-leash. The Miniature Schnauzer is prone to liver diseases, skin disorders, kidney stones, cysts and diabetes. Do not overfeed them as they gain weight very easily.

Living Conditions

The Miniature Schnauzer is good for apartment life as long as it gets enough exercise. They are people-oriented dogs and would prefer living with you.


The Miniature Schnauzer is an extrovert and full of life dog. It loves being a part of the family action. These dogs love being around their owners and wouldn’t mind sleeping plastered to their side. But as they are terriers, they might also be a little full of themselves and will amuse themselves at times. This is an intelligent breed which makes it easy to train them. This breed is neither feisty nor dog-aggressive and gets along well with other pets and children. As with other breeds, they need early socialization to grow as a well-rounded dog.