Norwegian Buhund

The Norwegian Buhund is a Spitz dog and was bred to work and guard livestock, home and family. This is an intelligent dog and is always eager to please and can handle all sorts of dog jobs. It needs lots of exercise and attention and learns very quickly. This lovely Spitz makes a wonderful companion.

Physical Traits

Area of Origin: Norway
Used for: Herding, guarding, police and military work, companion
Average Life Span: 13-15 years
Color: Wheaten, black, wolf-sable
Coat: Harsh and thick outer coat, soft and dense undercoat
Average Height: 17-19 inches
Average Weight: 31-40 pounds
Group: Herding

History and Domestication

The Norwegian Buhund with its curled tail and prick ears was developed in the western coastal areas of Norway in order to hunt bears and wolves, herd sheep and guard farms and livestock. Documentations as far back as 900 years revealed that they have been constant companions of Viking travelers.

Standard Physical Characteristics

This is a Spitz type, medium-sized dog. The muzzle is about the same length as the skull along with a well-defined stop. The dark eyes are oval shaped and the nose is black. The medium-sized ears are prick and erect. The tail is carried slightly curled over the back. The oval-shaped feet are small and webbed.

Care, Grooming and Health

The Norwegian Buhund has a thick, hard outer coat followed by a soft and dense undercoat.  The coat is fairly easy to look after and requires only brushing regularly. While shedding, it does not tangle but it is still advisable to comb daily. This bred is a seasonally heavy shedder.

This is a working breed and needs lots of physical exercise along with a long, brisk walk or jog. In addition, they will also enjoy running and play sessions. This breed is prone to hip dysplasia and genetic eye disorders.

Living Conditions

This breed would do best with an active family as it thrives on exercise and play. A small, fenced-in yard will be required. These are active dogs and need plenty of exercise. However, they can live in apartments if provided with extra care and enough space.


The Norwegian Buhund is cheerful, attentive and a vigilant dog. Being a very affectionate dog it loves to kiss and snuggle up to its people.  They make excellent watchdogs and would be happy to lie around your feet all day. Very untiring, they need lot of physical and mental stimulation. These dogs are very affectionate and loving with kids and would happily cuddle on the couch or romp around in the park. Consistent and firm leadership is the key to training this smart breed. This is a very trainable breed and learns very quickly. They are brave and vocal but show no aggression, unless provoked.  Obedience training is required and they need to be taught not to herd humans. They want to be involved in family and don’t want to be left out of anything.