Polish Lowland Sheepdog

Obedient, good-natured and fearless, the Polish Lowland Sheepdog is an excellent working dog that was originally bred for herding and guarding. These dogs are intelligent, strong and active and very protective of their flock. The medium-sized, long-haired dog has a characteristics shaggy coat and is better known with its native name i.e. Polski Owszarek Nizinny or PON.

Physical Traits

Area of Origin: Poland
Used for: Herding, guarding, companion
Average Life Span: 12-15 years
Color: Black, white, black and tan
Coat: Long, shabby and wirehaired with a soft undercoat
Average Height: 16-20 inches
Average Weight: 30-35 pounds
Group: Herding

History and Domestication

It is a common belief that the Polish Lowland Sheepdog is a descendent of the coated working dogs of Central Asia such as Lhasa Apso and Tibetan Terrier. These coated working dogs moved around with their Tibetan owners who were avid traders; as a result they were mixed with local working dogs. The PON or Poland Lowland sheepdog has been known in Poland since 16th century and was used for herding and guarding. They became nearly extinct after World War II, but were rescued by some concerned breeders.

Standard Physical Characteristics

The PON is a medium-sized, strong, powerful and shaggy working dog. The slightly domed head is moderately long. The heart-shaped ears are set- high. The small eyes are generally brown or hazel but can also be blue. The nose is dark and the dog has a fairly broad back. The dog has lots of hair on its cheeks, forehead, chin and legs.

Care, Grooming and Health

Though the shaggy and wiry coat of a PON is distinct and adorable, but it does require a fair amount of grooming. Weekly combing and brushing is required to avoid matting or tangling of the coat. These dogs do not need any trimming. They do not shed and are good for allergy sufferers.

This is a working dog and requires considerable amount of exercise. These dogs need stimulation and a job to do. You could give them agility classes or play an active game of catch with them, just to keep them simulated. They need to be taken on long daily walks or jogs. This is generally a healthy breed.

Living Conditions

The Polish Lowland Sheepdog was bred to look after flocks and herds in Polish plains and hence it is not meant for an apartment or city life, unless you can provide it with a lot of exercise. It prefers cooler climates.


The PON is well known for his ability to remember stuff- could be both good and bad. He is a highly intelligent and hardworking dog. He can be stubborn and strong-headed and will try to rule the flock. He needs firm and fair obedience training. The dog needs a lot of physical exercise and if he doesn’t get an outlet for his energy, he is likely to bark, dog or chew. These dogs are reserved and aloof and wary of strangers. They are comfortable around their family only and do not make friends easily.