Rhodesian Ridgeback

This versatile dog breed has gone from hunting lions to capturing people’s hearts. This handsome dog was developed to be a versatile hunter and guardian. Rhodesian Ridgeback was originally bred to hunt lions and hence also known as the African Lion Hound. However, these days he is more likely to prove a better companion.

Physical Traits

Area of Origin: South Africa
Used for: Hunting, tracking, companion
Average Life Span: 10-12 years
Color: Wheaten to red-wheaten
Coat: Shorthaired, glossy and smooth
Average Height: 25-27 inches
Average Weight: 80-90 pounds
Group: Hound

History and Domestication

The Rhodesian Ridgeback was bred in South Africa by farmers to fulfill their needs of a hunting dog in the wild. In 1877, two Ridgebacks were introduced by Reverend Helm into Rhodesia where they shoed outstanding performance in hunting big games on horseback. With their unique and exceptional hunting qualities, these dogs were bred with their ridge becoming a trademark of the breed. An outstanding batch was then exported to the United States in 1950.

Standard Physical Characteristics

The Rhodesian Hound is a muscular and large dog with a broad head and a long muzzle with a defined stop. Depending on the color of the coat, the nose can be black, brown or liver. Sometimes, these dogs can be found with black tongue. The round eyes are usually brown depending on the coat color. The chest is deep with strong and straight front legs. The medium-sized ears are set high and drop down. The long tail is thicker at the base and curves up slightly.

Care, Grooming and Health

The short-haired and smooth coat of these dogs is easy to groom. It requires regular combing and brushing with a firm bristle brush. Bathe only when necessary, this breed sheds moderately.

These are hunting dogs and have a great stamina. In fact, you will be tired long before them. They need to be taken on long daily walks or jogs. They also need plenty of opportunities to run free off-leash. Dogs that do not get enough physical exercise are likely to be destructive display behavioral problems. Rhodesian ridgebacks are hardy dogs and can withstand sudden changes in temperatures. However, they are likely to suffer from hip dysplasia, cysts and mast cell tumors.

Living Conditions

As long as they get sufficient exercise, they will do okay in an apartment. They prefer living inside the house, with their people. A large yard is needed for them to run free, but make sure the yard is well-fenced otherwise they are likely to escape.


These dogs are intelligent and independent which can sometimes be entertaining and frustrating at others. Train them early, be firm but not harsh. Due to their natural hunting instincts, other animals are generally not safe around them. As puppies, they are exuberant and active and grow quiet as they mature. They are gentle and affectionate with their family but reserved with strangers.