
Salukis are fast as wind and can give any supermodel a run for her money. They are quietly devoted dogs and are considered a gift from Allah. Though they look fragile and graceful, they are actually avid hunters with great strength and stamina. These dogs are a challenge while training and forget trusting them off-leash.

Physical Traits

Area of Origin: Egypt
Used for: Hunting, tracking, companion
Average Life Span: 10-12 years
Color: White, cream, fawn, red, golden, grizzle and tan, black and tan, tricolor
Coat: Short with long and silky feathering at tail and ears
Average Height: 23-28 inches
Average Weight: 29-66 pounds
Group: Hound

History and Domestication

This is one of the oldest dog breeds and is a royal dog of Egypt. They were believed to be a gift from Allah and such was their esteem that they were often mummified just like Pharaoh’s bodies. They were originally used to track and hunt gazelles. After they were imported to England in 1840, they were used to hunt hare. Dogs with a white patch in the forehead are believed to have “the kiss of Allah” and are regarded even more sacred.

Standard Physical Characteristics

This is a slim but muscular greyhound-like dog. The long and narrow head tapers towards the nose with a slight stop. The teeth meet in a level bit while the nose can be black or liver in color. The oval eyes are large and dark hazel in color. The long neck is graceful and narrow and the chest is deep. The ears are long and mobile and hang close to the head. The long tail is well-feathered and carried low. The feet are thickly haired too. When at the top speed, the dog can have all its four legs in the air at the same time.

Care, Grooming and Health

The coat is odor-free and easy to groom. The longer haired parts need occasional combing and brushing. The ears and eyes need to be cleaned regularly. Salukis required minimal grooming. This breed sheds moderately.

These dogs were meant to hunt and hence need a lot of physical exercise. They need a long daily walk, jog or run. These dogs are exceptionally fast and are happiest when allowed to run. However, do not let them off-leash even in a secure area. They will run the moment the spot a chase. The saluki is prone to cancer and genetic eye disorders. They can also get sunburn.

Living Conditions

Salukis make good apartment dogs as they are relatively inactive indoors. They prefer warmer temperatures and sleeping indoors.


The Saluki is a devoted dog, though aloof at times. He is a gentle dog and prefers quiet companionship. Very often they suffer from separation anxiety as they have a tendency to bond with a single person. Training them is a daunting task as they are sensitive dogs and do not respond to harsh treatment. They get along with children and other dogs. They are extremely sensitive dogs and can sense tension.