Shetland Sheepdog

The Shetland Sheepdogs are energetic and devoted multi-tasking dog. For years, they stood guard to famers in Scotland and kept hungry birds and sheep out of the farms. They are not only great herding dogs but make excellent companion dogs too.

Physical Traits

Area of Origin: Scotland
Used for: Herding, guarding, companion
Average Life Span: 12-15 years
Color: Black, sable, merle, blue sable with markings of white or tan
Coat: Long and double; repels dust and water
Average Height: 13-16 inches
Average Weight: 14-27 inches
Group: Herding

History and Domestication

The Shetland Sheepdog’s history runs parallel with the Border Collie of Scotland. They were transported to Shetland Islands and then crossed with intelligent, small and longhaired breeds. Eventually, they were reduced to miniature sizes. Subsequent crosses were also made with Collies. These dogs have been working as farm guards and workers and watch over flocks, cottages and herds and prevent any intruder entry in the farm.

Standard Physical Characteristics

The Shetland Sheepdog looks a lot like the rough-coated Collie. The head looks a blunt wedge from side and the muzzle is slightly tapering towards the nose with a slight stop. The nose is black and the almond-shaped eyes are dark but merle-coated dogs can have blue eyes too. The ears are small and fold forward at the tip. The muscular neck is slightly arched. The tail is long and feathered and carried up with a curve or slightly downwards. The double coat is abundant and long except on heads and legs; it forms a mane around chest and neck.

Care, Grooming and Health

The longhaired coat is quite easy to look after. Before you begin brushing, moist it using water and untangle any mats if they are formed. This breed sheds heavily twice a year. Bathe or dry shampoo when necessary as their coat sheds dirt and repels water. 

Shelties need to be walked daily or taken for jogs. They are active dogs and need exercise. They would also love to run free but ensure that he is in a safe area. Some of the lines may be prone to eye diseases, displacement of knee cap and hypothyroidism. They gain weight very easily so avoid overfeeding.

Living Conditions

These are basically farm dogs but with enough exercise can adapt to apartment life. Their small size makes them ideal for apartment living. They can withstand harsh weather conditions but would prefer to live inside with their family.


Shelties are gentle, sensitive and loyal dogs. Various personality types can be found in this breed. They can be loud and boisterous, shy and retiring or calm and sedate. Generally they are reserved with strangers but being overly shy and timid is not considered a good trait. These dogs love their people and would follow them just about everywhere throughout the day. Being herding dogs, they are inclined to bark and herd and should be taught not to do this. They are very intelligent, lovely and trainable dogs but need calm, consistent and firm training.