Shiba Inu

Bold and fiery, the Shiba Inu is Japan’s smallest Spitz dog. The dog breed was originally bred to flush games and sometimes hunt wild boars. He is well known for his cat-like agility, upright ears and a spirited personality. He is also one of the six native breeds of Japanese origin. With his squinty eyes, prick ears and a curly tail, he looks more like a fox or a stuffed toy.

Physical Traits

Area of Origin: Japan
Used for: Hunting, companion
Average Life Span: 12-15 years
Color: Orange, orange-red, sesame, sometimes white markings are present on the tip of tail
Coat: Stiff, coarse and straight outer coat with a soft and thick undercoat
Average Height: 14-16 inches
Average Weight: 18-25 pounds
Group: Non-sporting

History and Domestication

The Shiba Inu is a descendent of the primitive dogs of Japan owned by ancient people and was bred primarily to hunt small games, bears and boars in the mountainous regions of Japan. His name Shiba in Japanese means ‘Brushwood’ which it acquired after its hunting terrain and the color of brushwood leaves after the fall and Inu in Japanese means dog.

Standard Physical Characteristics

The Shiba Inu is a small and compact dog and the smallest Spitz type dog in Japan. The head is in proportion with the body and the muzzle is round and tapers slightly towards the nose with a moderate stop. The nose and lips are black. The triangular eyes are dark and deep-set. The triangular ears are erect and prick and smaller as compared to rest of the body. The front legs are straight and the thick tail is curled and carried high over the back.

Care, Grooming and Health

The coarse, shorthaired and stiff coat of a Shiba Inu is easy to groom. This is a naturally clean and odor-free dog and needs only daily brushing to remove the dead hair. Bathe or dry shampoo only when necessary. This dog sheds moderately throughout the year but heavily twice a year.

These dogs are not very demanding and will do okay with a daily walk. But regular exercise is necessary to keep him healthy and happy. They have very high level of endurance and can for hours. This breed is prone to hip dysplasia and PRA.

Living Conditions

If sufficiently exercised, these dogs will do okay in an apartment. It is moderately active indoors and a small yard is needed. The all weather coat will keep him protected in hot and cold weather conditions, so he can love outside. But these dogs regard themselves as a part of the family and would be much happier living inside.


A well-bred Shiba Inu is alert, bold and good-natured. These are confident and strong-willed dogs and very often have their own ideas about things. They tend to suspicious of strangers but are loyal and affectionate with their family. This dog doesn’t share well and has a guarding instinct and often doesn’t get along with other dogs. These are also very stubborn and training them requires patience and consistency.