Shih Tzu

This adorable little dog, with its long and silky coat sets it apart from all the other dog breeds. The name Shih Tzu is of a Chinese origin and translates to ‘lion dog’. Although they look nothing like lions and neither do they have large bodies, the credit for the name given to them goes to their fearless attitude.

Physical Traits

Area of Origin: Tibet/China
Used for: Watchdog, companion, house pet
Average Life Span: 10-16 years
Color: Black, shades of brown, white, grey, golden
Coat: Double coat, long, soft and silky
Average Height: 8-11 inches
Average Weight: 9-16 pounds
Group: Toy

History and Domestication

It is believed that the Shih Tzu originated in the 17th Century by the crossing of a Tibetan Mountain Dog and the Pekingese. The Chinese kept this breed close to them and never allowed it to be sold anywhere, the royalty kept them as their own. But in the 1930’s, a pair of them was brought to England and since then they continue to be favorite pets for many across the globe.

Standard Physical Characteristics

Dogs from the Shih Tzu breed have a small body but are among the sturdiest dog breeds. They possess a double coat which is long and soft and touches the ground. They have big innocent looking dark eyes and drop ears that stay hidden behind a thick cover of fur. Their tail is curled and rests on their back and is as furry as the dog’s rest of the body.

Care, Grooming and Health

It’s easy to guess that taking care of a Shih Tzu’s long coat can be a difficult task, but it’s nothing that a regular combing and brushing cannot keep in check. Usually, their hair is kept tied up or trimmed. It is important to keep the area around their eyes and ears clear and clean. The good part is that they do not shed too much hair, it just grows!

Some health issues associated with the Shih Tzu include spinal disc problems, ear and eye infections. Their diet should be monitored as they tend to gain weight which may not be good for their health.

Living Conditions

These are perfect dogs for any setting. An apartment too is a good living space for them and they can do without a yard. Only thing to be noted is that they should be prevented from too much heat.


A Shih Tzu is a lively, happy-go-lucky dog breed that is extremely loyal and friendly. If you are patient with the dog, they will reciprocate in the same manner. They make friends quite easily and are alert, making them good watchdogs and companions. These dogs are, in general, good to all the people and pets around them. It’s healthy to take them out on regular walks in the park to keep their aggressiveness under control.