Smooth Fox Terrier

With a devil-may-care attitude, the Smooth Fox Terrier enjoys every second of life. This is a playful, active and friendly breed which was bred to hunt foxes and flush them out of their hiding places. These days, these dogs are mainly used as companions.

Physical Traits

Area of Origin: United Kingdom
Used for: Hunting, companion
Average Life Span: About 15 years
Color: Predominantly white with brown markings
Coat: Flat and smooth
Average Height: 14-16 inches
Average Weight: 15-20 pounds
Group: Terrier

History and Domestication

The Smooth Fox Terrier was developed in Isles of Britain in the 17th century to help farmers get rid of vermin. The breed could drive foxes away with the help of acute eyesight, a keen nose and remarkable stamina. They are rarely used for hunting today but they still maintain their determination and drive. They Wire Fox Terrier and the Smooth Fox Terrier were considered the same breed until they were categorized separately in 1984.

Standard Physical Characteristics

The Smooth Fox Terrier is a medium-sized dog with a flat skull that narrows towards the eyes. The muzzle tapers towards the nose with a slight stop. The nose and eyes are black. The V-shaped ears are small and drop forward towards the cheeks. The thick neck is muscular and legs are straight. The tail is set high and generally docked.

Care, Grooming and Health

The coat is short and smooth and requires very less grooming. It needs to be brushed using a firm bristle brush to keep it gleaming. Bathe only when necessary. The breed sheds twice a year.

These dogs need to be taken on long daily walks or jogs. They would enjoy an opportunity to romp around in a safe and open area such as a large yard. If you have small animals around, it is better to keep them on-leash. They have hunting urges and may take off after small animals. White dogs may be prone to deafness. Other diseases may be post-nasal drip, cataracts and lens luxation. They are also prone to mast cell tumors.

Living Conditions

If provided with ample exercise, the Smooth Fox Terrier can adapt to apartment living. Though he may be small but he still needs a large fenced in yard where he can run around all day. Don’t only rely on underground electronic fence to keep him away from chasing. He sees his prey and he’ll bolt in spite of any shocks.


The Smooth Fox Terrier is lively, alert and smart and at the same time he is also mischievous, sly and charming. He can easily outwit you and make you laugh at his antics. They are real barkers and suspicious of strangers and hence make good watchdogs. They are inquisitive and outgoing and can easily pick up fights with other dogs and don’t make good candidates for dog parks. They are relatively dominant but providing enough mental and physical exercise and good training will keep them healthy.