Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier

The Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier come under the pure dog breeds. This particular all- purpose breed of dog from Ireland has been in existence for the past 200 years.

Physical Traits

Area of Origin: Ireland
Used for: Herding, guarding and watching over livestock, to hunt or vermin
Average Life Span: 10.5-12.5 years
Color: Wheaten, rust colored
Coat: Single coat, soft, silky, wavy or curly
Average Height: 17-20 inches
Average Weight: 14-20 pounds
Group: Terrier

History and Domestication

The Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier shares an ancestry with two other dog breeds namely, the Kerry Blue and Irish Terrier. Wheaten Terrier was bred and trained in a way that it ended up becoming the dog for the poor. Their skill set included taking up the role of herders in the farms and also protecting the farm borders. In addition, they excelled at hunting and even killing the vermin. It was officially recognised as a breed by the Ireland Kennel Club only in the year 1937.

Standard Physical Characteristics

The dogs from this breed are medium in size with the height ranging between 17 to 19 inches. The body appears to have a square looking frame. Their coat is single and curly or slightly wavy. As a pup, these dogs have red or rust coloured coat which then converts to wheaten colour. Their head is a bit long and the muzzle is shorter than the head. They have black lips and their teeth meet in a level bite. Their almond shaped eyes are wide- set and the ears are V-shaped and fold in the front and remain in level with the head. They have a straight back and the front paws are round and the legs are straight with black coloured toenails.

Care, Grooming and Health

It is advisable to comb the Wheaten Terrier’s every day with a brush with medium sized bristles. This will keep the coat smooth and free of tangles. The areas around and within the eyes and ears should be kept clean at all times. This breed is known for little shedding and they effectively do not shed during spring and fall. If they are taken care of and the coat is well- combed and looked after, they are the best option for allergy sufferers. The one health condition they may be prone to protein wasting disease or the flea allergies.

A daily walk is an essential element that should not be forgone. It will make sure that the terrier is getting its quota of exercise every day.

Living Conditions

This breed is good for staying even in an apartment and makes do with a small yard to play in. Although the Wheaten Terrier will be uncomfortable in too much heat.


The Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier is known for their agility. These are strong dogs with movements that are well co-ordinated. These are as lively and friendly as they are cautious. One can trust them with children and other pets too. Excessive barking will never be a problem with this breed as they like being dealt in a straight forward way whenever necessary. They become very close to their family and become a part of them.