Staffordshire Bull Terrier

The Staffordshire Bull Terrier was originally created to be a feisty-fighter in 19th century Britain. However, these dogs have long mellowed down into lovely and courageous companions who adore their family. Their muscular body, intense stare, and powerful stance can be quite intimidating at first but what will surprise is their pleasant and sensitive nature.

Physical Traits

Area of Origin: United Kingdom
Used for: Companion
Average Life Span: 10-16 years
Color: Fawn, solid red, white, blue, black or brindle
Coat: Short and close to skin
Average Height: 14-16 inches
Average Weight: 25-28 pounds
Group: Terrier

History and Domestication

The high intelligence, indomitable courage and strength of this breed can be attributed to its ancestors. The breed originated in 19th century England for coal miners of Staffordshire who needed a fast and small dog. Bulldogs crossed with small local terriers resulted in creation of this dog.

Standard Physical Characteristics

The Staffordshire is a powerful dog with a muscular body and is very strong for its small size. The skull is broad and deep with a short head, strong jaws and distinct stop. The nose is black and lips should be clean and tight. The eyes are round and a little darker than the coat. The ears are small and can be pricked. The legs are straight and medium- sized paws are well-padded. The tail is low set and doesn’t curl and is carried low.

Care, Grooming and Health

The coat of Staffordshire Bull Terrier is very short and easy to maintain. Bathe as required and let the coat dry for a while. Brush his coat weekly to remove dead hair. Dirt brushes out very easily from his coat. 

The dog has great strength and stamina and must be exercised daily. He needs to be taken on long daily walks or jogs or allowed to run free. This breed is prone to HC and PHPV. Hip dysplasia can also be seen in some. Some lines are prone to mast cell tumors. Puppies can have an elongated soft palate.

Living Conditions

This is a companion dog and will do okay in any kind of household as long as he gets proper amount of exercise. The dog should be allowed to live indoors with his family and a well fenced yard must also be provided. Make sure the yard is well fenced and the fences are buried well. Do not rely on electric fences in the case of this breed.


The Staffordshire Bull Terrier loves people and is never snarly or shy. He is always alert and enthusiastic and full of energy. He is tough, courageous, stubborn and tenacious. Though not particular wary of strangers, he will signal you if a stranger approaches. He is not very protective of property. The dog is excellent with children and gets along with other pets but in the absence of proper human leadership, will readily pick up fights with other dogs. The dog needs to be socialized early.