Toy Fox Terrier

The “All American” dog breed was developed as a smaller version of its larger Smooth Fox Terrier ancestors. Since then, they have served a variety of purpose from keeping a watch on farms to hunting vermin, squirrels and other games. In the small body, there is a bog dog that is ready to take-charge and possesses great courage and high intelligence.

Physical Traits

Area of Origin: United States
Used for: Companion
Average Life Span: 13-14 years
Color: Tricolor-white with black and tan marking
Coat: Short, smooth and thick
Average Height: About 10 inches
Average Weight: 3.5-7 pounds
Group: Toy

History and Domestication

The small Smooth Fox Terriers were bred with many toy breeds such as Chihuahuas, Manchester Terriers, Italian Greyhounds and Miniature Pinschers in order to create the Toy Fox Terrier. As a result, this breed still has qualities of a terrier and a more “lively” disposition from other breeds.

Standard Physical Characteristics

These dogs are also known as the American Toy Terrier as this breed is “All American”. They are small dogs with compact bodies and a domed skull. The muzzle is small and narrow separated from the skull with a definite skull. The nose is black except in dark brown dogs. The dark eyes are round. The V-shaped ears stand erect. The tail is generally docked short and carried high.

Care, Grooming and Health

The short and smooth coat of the breed is very easy to take care of. Occasional combing or brushing will keep it in a good state. Keep his nails short and ears clean. The breed sheds lightly.

These are active little dogs and need to be walked daily. Play takes care of a lot of their exercise needs but doesn’t satiate their instinct to migrate. They will also love to romp in a safe and enclosed area such as fenced-in yard. This is a fairly hardy breed but some lines are prone to the typical toy problems such as Legg-Calve-Perthes and Stifle. Some of them are allergic to beet pulp, corn and wheat.

Living Conditions

These dogs are ideal for smaller living spaces such as apartments. They only need a little open space to exercise and run around and a small yard will do. There are certainly house dogs as their coat isn’t made for outdoor living. But they also love to explore and should always be leashed or properly supervised. They have a big dog attitude that can often land them in trouble with dogs larger than their size.


Protective, loyal and smart, the Toy Fox Terrier loves his people and wants to be a part of everything they do. He makes an excellent watchdog and keeps on eye not just for strangers but over the neighbor’s place too. He is tough and bright but can be very stubborn when it comes to training. He is intelligent, loving, and sensitive and always up to catch game.