
With an offbeat sense of humor and distinctive appearance, the Weimaraner or the “Silver Ghost” was a highly sought after breed in Germany. These dogs were used to hunt big games such as bear and deer. They are elegant dogs but often very demanding and can still be found on hunting grounds.

Physical Traits

Area of Origin: Germany
Used for: Watchdog, hunting, companion
Average Life Span: About 10-14 years
Color: Mouse-gray to silver-gray
Coat: Short, sleek and smooth
Average Height: 24-27 inches
Average Weight: 55-70 pounds
Group: Sporting

History and Domestication

The Weimaraner was originally known as the Weimer Pointer as the Weimer court sponsored the breed. It was a result of selective breeding and was developed from other German hunting breeds. It is believed that this dog is a descendent of the Bloodhound and was originally used to hunt big games such as wolves, bear and deer. Over the years, the breed adapted to being a bird dog and a hunting companion.

Standard Physical Characteristics

The Weimaraner is a moderately large, hunting dog. The head is medium-sized with a moderate stop. The eyes are wide-set and come in shades of gray, amber or blue-gray. The nose is gray. The long and pendant ears are high-set, fold forward and hang down close to the head. The straight front legs are webbed with compact feet. The tail is usually docked to 1 ½ inches.

Care, Grooming and Health

The coat is short and smooth and can be kept in good condition with regular brushing using a firm bristle brush. Bathe and dry shampoo occasionally. Keep a check over his feet and mouth after exercise or work. Trim his nails once a month. The breed sheds moderately.

This dog was specially bred for great speed and stamina ands hence need a lot of physical exercise. They need to be taken on long daily walks or jogs. In addition to this, they will also want plenty of opportunities t run free. However, do not exercise them right after meals. This breed is prone to bloat so feed them small meals throughout the day. They are also prone to mast cell tumors and hip dysplasia.

Living Conditions

This is a housedog and not meant to live in backyard or a kennel. These dogs are also not meant for apartment living. These large dogs need a big yard where they can run free and play.


Typically, this dog is obedient, fearless, friendly and alert, all traits that make him an excellent watchdog and companion. However, the dog is also assertive, restless and willful. If he has his way, he’ll take over the household. He’ll bark, chew and chase cats is not trained and socialized properly. These dogs are also happy, loving, intelligent and affectionate creatures and love children and their people. They need firm and experienced trainers and a variety of training methods. They also have an unusual sense of humor and their leaders need to understand that.