Yorkshire Terrier

The Yorkshire Terrier may be small in size but the dog has a big personality. He is feisty and glamorous and makes a fine companion. The Yorkie does seem a little full of himself but you will know why when you see the silky smooth coat of this dog and the how glamorous this dog is.

Physical Traits

Area of Origin: United Kingdom
Used for: Companion, show dog
Average Life Span: 12-15 years
Color: Brown, black and tan; coat can be blue or tan
Coat: Long, glossy, fine and smooth
Average Height: 6-7 inches
Average Weight: 7 pounds
Group: Toy

History and Domestication

The Yorkshire Terriers were originally used to hunt vermin and rats in the clothing mills in the 19th century England and were named after their native city. Surprisingly, this breed originally belonged to the working class especially the weavers. Their long and silky coat was mocked to the ultimate product of looms. But eventually, these dogs left the working class and became a favorite with the European high society.

Standard Physical Characteristics

The Yorkshire Terrier or Yorkie is small, toy-sized dog with a small and flat head. The muzzle is medium-sized with a slight stop. The medium-sized eyes are dark and the small nose is also black. The V-shaped ears are erect. The straight legs have round feet and black toenails. The hair on the head is abundant and it is usually tied in a topknot or clipped off.

Care, Grooming and Health

The coat is a distinctive feature of the Yorkie and it needs regular grooming. The clipped coat has to be brushed and combed daily. Topknot is generally tied back with a ribbon or clip. Show dogs require an extensive amount of grooming. Keep their teeth clean as they are prone to dental infections. Yorkies shed little or no hair.

These active little dogs need to be walked daily. Play takes care of their exercise needs but doesn’t satisfy their instinct to walk. Yorkies would also love to run and romp in a safe and open area off-leash. Some of Yorkshire Terriers are prone to bronchitis, slipped stifle, early tooth decay, indigestion and eye infections. Avoid giving them exotic treats.

Living Conditions

Yorkies are great for apartment living. These dogs are active indoors and will do okay without a yard. They also prefer warmer climate as they are sensitive to cold.


A combination of endearingly small size and terrier traits, the Yorkie is an adorable and glamorous dog who is often independent and self-assured. A range of personalities can be seen in this breed. Some of them maybe cuddly and perky and bent upon pleasing and following their masters throughout the day; others can be more mischievous, independent and outgoing. However, you need to set limits when training them or else you may just end up spoiling them. These dogs are easy to train but sometimes training can be difficult with stubborn dogs. They also make excellent watchdogs and are not easy to housebreak. These dogs are suggested for little older children who can handle them.