
Lovingly called as “Runway models of the feline world”, the Abyssinian is blessed with a long and lean body. These cats look like cougar or small mountain lion with its dramatically marked expression and warm eyes. These cats love heights and would love to be as high as possible.

Physical Traits

Area of Origin: Egypt
Used for: Companion
Average Life Span: 9-15 years
Color: Ruddy, chocolate, blue, cinnamon, lilac and fawn
Coat: Medium length, fine, ticked and wild
Average Height: Around 24 inches
Average Weight: 6-10 pounds

History and Domestication

This is one of the oldest domesticated breeds but its real lineage is kind of blurred. It is said that the cat is a direct descendent of cats from ancient Egypt and this is why it is often known as cat from the Blue Nile. Others believe that British soldiers brought a cat from Abyssinia (now Ethopia) at the end of the war in 1868. What is known is that this cat was developed and refined in Britain. Genetic evidence also suggests that the cat may as well be from the coastal areas of Bay of Bengal in India.

Standard Physical Characteristics

The Abyssinian has a long and muscular body over long and lean legs. The head is in the form of modified wedge with rounded contours. There is a small rise from the bridge to the nose that gives a wild appearance to the cat. The large and pointed ears are arched forward looking very alert. The large, almond-shaped eyes are expressive and range from golden, amber or green colors. The eyes are surrounded with a ring of dark color which is further surrounded by a lighter color. The muzzle is rounded and doesn’t look pointy or pinched.

Care, Grooming and Health

The short and fine coat of an Abby is easy to care for with weekly combing and brushing to remove dead hair. A bath is suggested when the cat is shedding for easy removal of dead hair. However do keep breakables out of his paw’s reach. Brush their teeth regularly to avoid any diseases. Check eyes are ears regularly. Also trim their nails every couple of weeks. 

This cat loves to play so keep him occupied with various toys. You could also teach him a lot of tricks. These cats may suffer from periodontal disease, PRA and patellar luxation.

Living Conditions

These cats can jump as high as 6 feet and would do best in an active household. It is a good idea to keep them as indoor pets only to protect them from diseases and attacks that may be lurking outside.


The Abyssinian lives life to the fullest. These cats will climb, jump and play as much as they want. They are always alert and very inquisitive by nature. These are intelligent breeds but if you are doing something, they will want to enquire all about it. It may seem that this cat never sleeps because he is always in motion. This cat loves being the centre of attention and will do anything to achieve and maintain that status.