American Bobtail

With a distinctive wild appearance, the American Bobtails are incredibly loving and intelligent cats. These cats are extremely interactive and bond with their human family very easily and with great devotion. These cats are known for their love of playing; they can play fetch or hide and seek for hours. Often known to be quiet cats, they can be trill, chirp or click when excited.

Physical Traits

Area of Origin: United States
Used for: Companion
Average Life Span: 11-15 years
Color: All colors and patterns
Coat: Medium-length double coat
Average Height: Small, medium and large sizes (no particular standard)
Average Weight: 8-13 pounds

History and Domestication

Bobtails are a result of natural genetic mutation that causes a shortened tail. Sometimes these cats are bred with others to create a new breed. American Bobtail is one such result of breeding of a short-tailed kitten from Arizona which was acquired by John and Brenda Sanders. This new cat was named as Yodi and became the father of this breed. Later various short tailed kittens were bred in the USA and Canada. The breeding was done selectively to make the cats big and sturdy but with a sweet temper. The International Cat Association recognized this breed in 1989.

Standard Physical Characteristics

The American Bobtail is a moderately-long, short-haired cat with substantial boning. Its stance is rectangular. The wedge-shaped head is in proportion to the body but without flat planes. The substantial hips are almost as wide as the chest with fore legs being shorter than hind legs. The large round feet may have toe tufts. There is a slight curve from nose to brow marking the presence of an unpinched muzzle, a gently sloped wide nose, prominent whisker pads and a strong jaw. The medium-sized ears are wide-set and mounted on top of the head with rounded tips. The almond-shaped eyes are in proportion to the head. The color of the yes varies according to the coat color. The tail may be straight or curved and slightly knotted.

Care, Grooming and Health

The coat of an American Bobtail will stay in good shape as long as you comb and brush it regularly. The cat sheds more in spring and fall, extra care is needed during those times. Bathe them only when necessary. Trim their nails every couple of weeks along with regular brushing.

These cats love to play and playing generally takes care of their exercise needs. They will play fetch and hide and seek for hours. This is a fairly healthy breed and some diseases may be genetic in nature.

Living Conditions

These cats are meant for indoor-living to protect them from diseases and accidents.


The American Bobtail is a loving cat who is absolutely devoted to his family. He would follow his people around the house and loves every opportunity to play. This smart cat enjoys puzzle toys, playing fetch and learning tricks. The friendly cat even welcomes your guests with a smile. This is an adaptable breed and makes a good travel companion. This is a quiet breed but will chirp, trill and click when excited.

Adoption Groups

Breed Organizations