American Curl

The American Curl stands out for his distinctive ears but even without them, it is a striking cat with a very sweet expression that bring a smile on faces of anybody whoever comes across this cat. The truly unique ears curl backward in a graceful arc giving it a happy, alert and perky expression making people burst up every time they see it. The presence of a sophisticated head along with a graceful body provides a dynamic and stylish appearance to the American Curl.

Physical Traits

Area of Origin: United States
Used for: Companion
Average Life Span: 12-16 years
Color: Any color including exotic shades
Coat: Silky, short or long
Average Height: Medium-size
Average Weight: 5-10 pounds

History and Domestication

The American Curl is one of the youngest cat breeds and was a result of genetic mutation that first occurred in Shulamith who was a black, stray kitten with strange ears and long, silky hair. She winded up in Lakewood, California at the home of Joe and Grace Rugas. They named this kitten Shulamith after the “black and comely” princess of Old Testament book of the Song of Solomon. This cat has four kittens, two of which shared her strangely curled ears. This new breed was bred selectively and finally registered by the Cat Fanciers Association in 1993.

Standard Physical Characteristics

The American Curl is a well-balanced, medium-sized cat with a rounded head, distinct whisker pads and a substantial muzzle. They have an alert and elegant appearance with their distinctively curled ears and sweet and open expression. They are born with straight ears; the ears only begin to curl backwards after 3-5 days and reach the final shape after 16 weeks. Though ears are a special feature of this breed, their large, walnut-shaped eyes are very expressive. The long-haired cats have plumed tails.

Care, Grooming and Health

The curl’s coat can be short-haired or long-haired. Both the varieties are easy to care for. The longhaired cats have a very little undercoat so it doesn’t tangle. A weekly brushing or combing will keep the coat in good shape. Running the comb backward will help in easy removal of dead hair. The shorthaired cats shed more than longhaired ones. A bath is rarely required.

Brush their teeth regularly to maintain dental hygiene. Also check their ears and eyes on regular basis. Keep their litter boxes very clean as cats are particular about bathroom hygiene. This is a healthy breed and any diseases may arise due to genetics.

Living Conditions

These are adaptable cats and can live any kind of household. They like to sit on your lap or play fetch.


The American Curl is known as the “Peter Pan” of the cat world as they are always flying through the house. These are people-loving cats and get along with children. These are moderately active, smart and curious. But they will happily follow you around and sit in your lap.