American Wirehair

The American Wirehair is a regular American cat with a sweet expression. The medium-sized cat has a wiry coat, right down to its whiskers. The wiry coat of this coat is said to resemble steel wool. This is an affectionate cat and loves to play but is not hyperactive. The cat is known to be people-oriented but not clingy.

Physical Traits

Area of Origin: United States
Used for: Companion
Average Life Span: 14-18 years
Color: Various colors and patterns
Coat: Crimpy, wiry and short
Average Height: Small to medium
Average Weight: 10-15 pounds

History and Domestication

The American Wirehair cat is of American origin. Often genetic mutation can be spotted in any part of the world but the wirehaired variety was first found in the United States in 1966. It was first spotted in a litter of four kittens of a domestic shorthair in New York. Only one of them survived; a red tabby and white male. Due to the unusual coat of this kitten, he owners showed him to a local cat breeder, Joan O’Shea who purchased this weird coated kitten for $50. Thus this kitten was crossed and bred with other shorthairs to develop a new breed. Full recognition for this breed came about in 1978.

Standard Physical Characteristics

This is a small to medium-sized cat with a muscular body. The round head has a well-developed muzzle and chin and predominant cheekbones. The medium-sized ears are set wide apart and are rounded at the tips. The large and bright eyes are wide set and tilt upwards. The wired coat is short and dense and can be crimped. Some of them may have crimped whiskers too. The muscular legs are supported with heavy pads. The tail can long or medium-length and tapers from the rump to a rounded tip.

Care, Grooming and Health

The unusual coat of the American Wirehair is very delicate and the hair can break or fall out with excessive brushing. These cats may need occasional bathing due to their oily skin. This unusual coat needs very little care. Brush or comb it only when the cat is shedding. Brush his teeth regularly. Also check eyes and ears for any signs of infection.

These cats love to play but are not hyperactive. These are generally very healthy cats but some diseases may be present due to genetic inconsistencies.

Living Conditions

These cats are suited more for families with little kids due to their playful nature. It is a good idea to keep them indoors only.


The American Wirehair has pretty much the same personality as the American Shorthair. This is a playful, affectionate, adaptable and good-natured breed. These cats are often described as clownish. The athletic cat has moderate activity level and enjoys playing as much as the next cat but is not overly demanding. They have a sociable and amiable nature and would greet your guests with a warm smile.  They can be quiet cats who love their people and will follow them around the house. Everything that you do is sure to arise their interest.