
This gentle cat loves communicating with his people but in a soft tone. The Birman is a dignified creature and even learns his tricks with dignity and plays gracefully. He is ready to take your breath away with his sapphire-blue eyes and stunning, pointed-longhaired coat.

Physical Traits

Area of Origin: Burma
Used for: Companion
Average Life Span: 12-16 years
Color: All pointed colors
Coat: Long, soft and silky
Average Height: Medium to large
Average Weight: 6-12 pounds

History and Domestication

This beautiful cat has an equally beautiful legend about its origin. The sacred cat of Burma is said to have been gifted his beautiful appearance and bewitching blue eyes through the intervention of a blue-eyes goddess as a reward for his love and devotion of the temple’s priest. The goddess turned his white coat into golden color and yellow eyes to blue. Only the paws remained pristine white as a symbol f the cat’s purity. Ever since then, these scared cats have borne these divine marks of purity and it is also said that priests who die are reborn into these cats’ bodies. How these cats actually came into existence isn’t quite clear yet. Some theories hint at crosses between Siamese and Persians while some suggest that these cats may have been born in Southeast Asia from cats that carried these genes.

Standard Physical Characteristics

The Birman is a medium to large longhaired pointed cat with distinctive white gloves and laces. They have a stocky built under a beautiful and long coat. The distinctive Roman nose tapers towards the forehead. The chin has a god depth and is not receding or bulbous. The round eyes are medium to large in size and set wide apart. The moderately long tail is in proportion to the body. The body itself is long and sturdy.

Care, Grooming and Health

The long and silky coat has a very little undercoat meaning it rarely mats. Due to the silky texture, it is easy to care for this breed. They shed during winter season, so regularly combing is required during that season. A warm bath will help in removing the shedding coat.

This is a fairly healthy breed but may suffer from congenital hypotrichosis and corneal dermoid. They also tend to gain weight easily so watch their food intake.

Living Conditions

This cat loves being around people and other pets. It is suited better in a house that has other pets rather than a single pet.


The Birman is the cat for you love Siamese but cannot get along with the yowly voice. This cat is docile and gentle and only communicates in a soft manner. He will follow you around and get involved with everything you do. But just be glad that he is not as bossy as the Siamese. He isn’t dumb as many would think. In fact, he is very smart and curious. He loves exploring and relaxing in your lap like a furry baby.