
As a testament to his solid body, the Burmese cat is often described as a ‘brick wrapped in silk’. The cute little bundles of joy bring about complete and unconditional devotion with them. Being people-oriented cats, they love being around you and your family. They love kids and will happily play games with them.

Physical Traits

Area of Origin: Myanmar
Used for: Companion
Average Life Span: 10-16 years
Color: Sable, blue, champagne and platinum
Coat: Soft, short and satiny
Average Height: Medium sized
Average Weight: 5-8 pounds

History and Domestication

The breed Burmese was developed from the Siamese cat and the ‘copper-cat’ of Burma (now Myanmar). It is believed that these were palace and temple cats and were bred and owned only by priests. The current breed of Burmese descended from a small, dark-brown cat named Wong Mau, owned by Dr. Joseph Thompson. It was believed that Wong Mau was a chocolate colored Siamese. This cat was bred with a seal-point Siamese named Tai Mau.

Standard Physical Characteristics

The Burmese is a medium-sized, well-built athletic cat. The wedge shaped head has a strong lower jaw and chin and a distinct nose. The large beautiful eyes are of golden color and set wide apart and have a sweet-looking expression. They have a single layer of coat that hugs the body and has a satin like feel to it.

Care, Grooming and Health

The satin-like coat of a Burmese requires very little maintenance. Brush the coat once in a week to give it a polished look and remove nay dead hair. You could also give them a quick wipe with chamois for a finished look. Brush their teeth regularly and also check eyes are ears for any signs of infection.

These cats love playing fetch and retrieving and will happily play with kids. They are generally healthy cats but some are prone to gingivitis and maybe sensitive to anesthesia. Lipemia of aqueous humor and corneal dermoid have also been observed in them.

Living Conditions

These cats are a perfect choice for families with little kids and feline-friendly dogs. He loves playing fetch and retrieving and will play along with the kids. He loves the affection and attention he gets from children given they treat him nicely. He will get along well with dogs and cats that respect his authority and position. However, always introduce new pets slowly and in a controlled manner.


Energetic and friendly, the Burmese are charming and laidback cats. These cats have the determination and charm of Siamese and love to converse, just like them albeit in a sweet and soft tone. They are intelligent cats and love human companionship. He is best suited in household where he has constant company of either humans or other pets. These are curious and inquisitive cats and will explore every nook and corner of your house. They love invading your privacy and would want to be involved in everything you do, whether it is reading newspaper of preparing meals.