
The name of this breed has been derived from the Latin name of the Jungle Cat, felis chaus. This Jungle cat was found from the Caspian Sea to the Nile River and in South Asia. This tall and statuesque cat was meant for running and jumping. Just like the Jungle Cat, the Body of Chausie resembles that of an athlete. Their limberness gives them a sense of grace and balance.

Physical Traits

Area of Origin: Egypt
Used for: Companion
Average Life Span: 12-15 years
Color: Grizzles, brown-ticked and solid-black tabby
Coat: Short-haired
Average Height: Medium to large
Average Weight: 16-20 pounds

History and Domestication

The history of this breed dates back to ancient Egypt. They were extensively bred by Egyptians due to their good temperament and hunting skills. They were held in high regard and due to this; their mummies have also been found in Egyptian tombs. They were often mummified along with their owners to accompany them in afterlife. People also believe that the statue of Goddess Bastet was modeled after the Jungle Cat and resemblance in the appearance in hard to miss.

Standard Physical Characteristics

The Chausie has also been called the Nile Cat has the tall, statuesque, lean physique of the Jungle Cat. The head is medium-sized and wedge-shaped and has a long and square muzzle supported on a strong chin. Prominent and tall ears are set upright and taper towards the rounded tips. Due to long tufts of hair at these tips, the Chausie has a look of a wild lynx. Their long and lean bodies are ideal for running and jumping.

Care, Grooming and Health

The short coat requires very less attention. Occasional brushing and bathing will keep it n good condition. Trim their nails regularly. Make dental hygiene a regular habit to avoid any diseases. Swab eyes are ears with a damp cloth and regularly check them for any signs of infection.

These are athletic cats and will enjoy regular opportunities to run and play. This is generally a healthy cat and disease may be due to genetic disorders.

Living Conditions

These cats are good for homes with cat-friendly dogs and they do get along with other cats. However, people with little kids should avoid getting this cat. They are active cats and will run around in house so keep breakables out of their reach.


Very active and athletic, the Chausie is almost always in motion even when interacting with their human mates. These cats and gentle and affectionate and love to play. They get attached to their owners very easily. The sociable cats love playing fetch ad can be walked on leash. They need constant companionship and interaction with their owners and do not do well if being left alone for long periods of time. These affectionate cats demand attention and reward their owners with the same. They are highly intelligent and their antics can be intriguing and entertaining.