Egyptian Mau

The large gooseberry-green eyes and the spotted coat in silver, bronze or smoke are the distinct features of the Egyptian Mau. The elegant cat has a very alert appearance and regal bearing.The European Burmese has a sweet disposition and a natural affection for people, just like his ancestor Siamese. Unsurprisingly, they can be chatty and attention craving. They enjoy the company of other animals but will not compromise on their share of attention.

Physical Traits

Area of Origin: Egypt
Used for: Companion
Average Life Span: 12-15 years
Color: Silver, bronze and smoke
Coat: Medium-length and silky
Average Height: Medium-size
Average Weight: 6-14 pounds

History and Domestication

The Egyptian Mau is known for being the only domesticated cat that is naturally spotted. Cat fanciers argue that the cat is thousands of years old and belongs to the times of pharaohs. These cats were also known in Europe before the Second World War but became almost extinct after the war. The spotted pattern on these cats was not created through any genetic manipulation and is entirely natural. The breed as is known today originated from a silver kitten gifted to a Russian Princess when she was staying in Rome. When this princess moved to the United States, the kitten and its offspring moved along. In order to ensure that this breed survived, the princess wrote a breed standard and began breeding these cats under the cattery name Fatima.

Standard Physical Characteristics

The Egyptian Mau is a naturally spotted domestic cat with a muscular and elegant body. The head is wedge-shaped and of medium-size. The ears are slightly flared, wider at the base and pointed outwards. The large and alert eyes are almond-shaped with a little slant at the base of the ear. The eyes are gooseberry-green in color and give a ‘worried’ look to the breed. They have an “M” on the forehead, known as the mark of scarab. When the cat is standing, it has a characteristic ‘tiptoe’ stance with longer hind legs than forelegs.

Care, Grooming and Health

The Egyptian Mau is an easy to groom cat and weekly brushing will get rid of dead hair. Bathe only when necessary. Brush their teeth regularly and check eyes and ears for any signs of infection.

These are moderately active cat and love playing fetch. These cats may have varying degrees of genetic problems. Most of them are healthy cats but be sure to ask the breeder about any health problems in the lines.

Living Conditions

This is an active and playful cat and is perfect for families with children and cat-friendly dogs. He would love any attention from children provided they treat him nicely. However, keep him away for toddlers and school-children are more suited for his energy levels. Keep pet birds and other small animals away from this hunter.


Often described as shy and aloof, the Egyptian Mau is a people-oriented cat. He develops a special bond with his people and commands their attention. He will not let you push him away and would gladly claim to and act as the center of your world. They are loyal cats and happy to go about their business. But when he feels like, there is no stopping him from showering all his love and affection upon you.