
Javanese are playful, vocal, intelligent and people-oriented cats. They are attention and affection demanding cats and do not like staying alone for long periods. People also believe that different color patterns on these cats lead to different personality traits.

Physical Traits

Area of Origin: United States
Used for: Companion
Average Life Span: 10-15 years
Color: Colorpoint patterns
Coat: Medium-length, fine and silky
Average Height: Medium
Average Weight: 5-10 pounds

History and Domestication

This cat is more like a longhaired variety of the Siamese in colorpoint patterns. Javanese were developed from Siamese, Colorpoint and Balinese. As their name suggests these cats are not actually from Java but were deliberately named “Javanese” as Java is a sister island to Bali. Given the breed’s relationship with the Balinese naming it after ‘Java’ added a nice touch. At first this breed was given a different breed status but in 2008 the Cat Fanciers Association declared it to be a division of the Balinese. The Javanese can be placed in the same group as Siamese and Balinese.

Standard Physical Characteristics

Javanese are very much similar to the Siamese except the coat length. They have a muscular but svelte body with long lines. The wedge-shaped head tapers to a narrow point on the nose and outwards to the tips of ears. The wide and long ears are triangular shaped, much like the head and wider at the base and pointed at the tips. The almond-shaped eyes are medium-in size. The body is supported by slim and long legs with hind legs being higher than fore legs. The oval-shaped paws are small and dainty and the long and thin tail tapers to a point. The overall appearance is enhanced by a long and silky coat that is longest at the plumed tail.

Care, Grooming and Health

The coat is fine and silky and can be easily cared for. Combing once or twice a week will remove dead hair. Bathe only when necessary. Brush their teeth regularly to avoid any dental diseases. Check eyes are ears regularly for any signs of infection. Keep their litter box clean.

They are active and playful cats and will love playing fetch. Javanese can be prone to the same set of health problems as the Siamese. These may include crossed eyes, amyloidosis, asthma, lymphoma and neurological disorders.

Living Conditions

Those social and active cat is an ideal choice for families with kids and cat-friendly dogs. They love playing with children and will enjoy all the attention they can get from kids.


Just like Siamese, the Javanese too are playful and affectionate cats. They are people-oriented and will thrive on attention. They would ‘help’ you in their manner and that includes an active curiosity in your work and following you. They are not as loud as the Siamese but certainly opinionated. They will let you know what they think and expect you to pay attention. They are active, social, agile and athletic and would love to play fetch and retrieve.

Adoption Groups

Breed Organizations