
The tailless Manx with its rounded contours will remind you of a bowling ball. This medium-sized cat is round and heavy and lacks a tail. Ideally, a rounded rump with a dimple is present where is tail is supposed to be; but some of them do have short stubby tails. Due to their longer hind legs, they are also known as ‘bunny cats’.

Physical Traits

Area of Origin: Isle of Man
Used for: Companion
Average Life Span: 8-14 years
Color: All colors and patterns
Coat: Soft and short
Average Height: Medium
Average Weight: 8-12 pounds

History and Domestication

There are a lot of theories surrounding the origins of the Manx. One such theory suggests that Noah cut off the tail of Manx as he closed the doors of the Ark upon beginning of rain. Sometimes people jokingly also suggest that these cats were a result of a mating between a rabbit and a cat, which is however biologically impossible. The tailless cat is a result of genetic mutation which was intensified by their remote location i.e. Isle of Man, off the British coast. This island was known for tailless cats and this is how the breed got its name Manx.

Standard Physical Characteristics

A lack of tail is an obvious feature of this breed, but they are also known for their rounded contours. Everything about these cats is round from cheeks to head and body. These are short, medium-sized cats with rounded bodies, arched back, round head and a deep flank to the hindquarters. They have round eyes which are set at slightly oblique angels giving them a sweet expression. They differ from their sister breed Cymric that have longer coats than the Manx.

Care, Grooming and Health

Manx have a short and soft coat which can be easily taken care of with weekly brushing and combing. Though they lack a tail but nerve endings are still present but are unprotected. Care should be taken not to rough handle the area or create excess pressure. While picking up the cat make sure the hindquarters are supported so as not to cause excess pressure on the spine.

Manx are generally healthy cats but some cases of arthritis, corneal dystrophy and Manx syndrome have been observed.

Living Conditions

Adult Manx have some difficulty in adjusting to households but if introduced as a kitten he will readily mingle with kids and other pets.


Manx are gentle and playful cats and due to their strong hindquarters, they are excellent jumpers too. They were mouser cats and still retain their hunting instincts. These intelligent cats quickly learn new tricks and how to use their paws to open doors. They are a little meow and will enjoy serene atmosphere. They are affectionate and even-tempered and will assist you in whatever you are doing. They are active and playful and would readily play fetch and retrieve. They will happily climb in your lap or curl up in the spot nearest to you.

Adoption Groups

Breed Organizations