
The low-slung Munchkins are well-known for their agility and speed. They tend to stay low to the ground but are capable of jumping. The Munchkins are full of energy and always racing around. They have a genetic condition called ‘achondroplastic dwarfism’. This condition affects only the leg bones making them smaller.

Physical Traits

Area of Origin: United States
Used for: Companion
Average Life Span: 12-14 years
Color: All colors and patterns
Coat: Short or long
Average Height: Medium-sized
Average Weight: 5-9 pounds

History and Domestication

The mutation seen in Munchkins is not new. In fact, short legged vats have been seen around the globe for ages. However, these cats have recently been accepted as a breed (by TICA and not CFA). In 1940s, a U.K. veterinarian described several generations of short-legged cats. However, this line was wiped off during the Second World War. Then again in 1953, a short-legged cat was spotted in Stalingrad. But it wasn’t until 1983 that a short-legged cat was spotted by Sandra Hochenedel in Louisiana that led to today’s line of Munchkins. This cat was named Blackberry and its subsequent litters consisted of half long-legged and short-legged kittens.

Standard Physical Characteristics

Munchkins are short to medium-sized cats which should never resemble a miniature version of another breed. Except for their short legs, they look pretty much like a normal cat. The short legs of these cats are a result of genetic mutation which shortens the leg bones while the remaining bones remain unaffected. However, their mobility s not affected by this condition and you can always see them running and dashing around quickly while they play. They have two varies of coats- shorthaired and longhaired.

Care, Grooming and Health

Grooming and caring for Munchkins is easy and quick. Shorthaired cats should be combed or brushed once a week to remove dead hair. The longhaired munchkins need to be combed twice a week to prevent tangles and matting. Brush their teeth regularly to take of their dental hygiene. Also check their eyes and ears for any signs of infection. Keep their litter box clean as they are very particular about bathroom hygiene.

They are generally healthy cats but due to their vast out crossing health problems may be observed which can be genetic in nature.

Living Conditions

The active cats have often been described as ‘ferret-like’ due to their playful nature. They are loving and sociable cats and will make good companions in houses with children and cat-friendly dogs.


Munchkins are extremely playful and love to run and chase. It is said that they maintain their kitten-like personality into adulthood. They are very curious and will sit on their hind legs, just like a rabbit to get a better view of anything that catches their fancy. They are self-assured and will not leave any corner of your home unexplored. They are social and amiable and get along well with children and other pets. Munchkins are highly trainable.

Adoption Groups

Breed Organizations