
The exotic Ocicat has a wild cat appearance and an impressive muscular body. With their jungle look and an amiable personality of the domestic cats they easily steal people’s hearts. With their antics and look they never fail to impress.

Physical Traits

Area of Origin: United States
Used for: Companion
Average Life Span: 10-15 years
Color: Spotted and comes in 12 colors
Coat: Short, shiny and smooth
Average Height: Medium to large
Average Weight: 6-15 pounds

History and Domestication

The small spotted cat may have a look of a wild cat but he is far from it. Ocicats are named after the ocelot, a small South American wild field but more importantly, these are domestic cats. They were created by successful crosses between Abyssinian, Siamese and the American Shorthair cats. They were actually created by accident, a pleasant one though. Virginia Daly, a cat breeder was trying to create Abyssinian points by crossing a ruddy Abyssinian and sealpoint Siamese. The result was what she expected-Aby looking likes kittens. But when she further crossed them with Siamese, she got Aby-pointed kittens along with an ivory-colored coat dotted with gold spots. This new kitten was named Tonga and sold as a pet. Repeated breeding led to more of these kittens. Further, American shorthairs were added to breeding for a greater size.

Standard Physical Characteristics

Ocicats are large cats once they are fully matured and have a powerful, sleek and muscular body. The entire body is covered with a short and tight spotted coat. These cats get their exotic look from the large almond-shaped eyes which are set obliquely. The legs are solid and medium in length in order to support the sleek and athletic body of this cat. This cat gives an impression like he is ready to spring into action at any point.

Care, Grooming and Health

The short and tight coat of Ocicats doesn’t require much maintenance. You can keep it in good state by brushing it once a week to remove dead hair and rubbing with chamois to add some shine. A bath is rarely necessary but in case you do give him a bath, use separate shampoos for different spotted cats as they highlight the vivid colors of the coat. 

Ocicats are generally healthy but they are prone to certain health problems such as heart diseases and PRA which may lead to blindness.

Living Conditions

Ocicats are gentle and friendly and are best suited for homes with children and cat-friendly dogs. They love playing fetch and retrieving.


Ocicats are gentle and playful cats and will lovingly trail their owners throughout the house. The social cats will greet your visitors warmly and will gladly curl up on the lap or indulge in some game. They love playing games but can be over-possessive of their toys. These cats are always full of energy and you can see them leaping from one place to another. They don’t like being left alone for long durations.