Russian Blue

The elegant Russian Blue is the aristocrat of the cat world. These cats were once the pets of Russian Czars and Queen Victoria. The short and dense silver-tipped blue coat of these cats glistens in the light as these cats move with elegance and their emerald green eyes have a glow of their own.

Physical Traits

Area of Origin: Russia
Used for: Companion
Average Life Span: 10-15 years
Color: Blue with silver tips
Coat: Thick, short
Average Height: Medium-sized
Average Weight: 8-10 pounds

History and Domestication

Russian Blues are known as Archangel Cats due to their place of origin- the Arkhangelsk port on the White Sea. However these cats look nothing less than angels with their silver-tipped blue coat and gleaming green eyes. This is a Russian breed but its development took place in Scandinavia and Britain during the nineteenth century. The first cat was shown on the world stage in 1875 at London’s Crystal Palace. This Russian Archangel cat earned other names like Maltese and Foreign Blue. After the War, the lines of these cats were revived by breeders by outcrossing them to cats that resembled Russian Blue. Other breeders included Siamese and British Shorthair.

Standard Physical Characteristics

The short, dense, blue, silver-tipped coat is the trademark of the Russian Blue. As the cat moves, the coat looks like silk because the silver tip of the coat reflects light. The dense coat stands out from the rest of the body and is a prized gem of the Russian Blue but certainly not the only one. They are blessed with glowing emerald green eyes. The vivid and deep green eyes draw your attention to the mysterious mile these cats sport. The medium-sized body is fined boned and overall the cat has a regal and aristocratic appearance.

Care, Grooming and Health

The short and dense coat of the Russian Blue should be combed twice a week to distribute skin oils and remove dead hair. Brush their teeth regularly to avoid periodontal diseases. Bathe them regularly during shedding season. Keep the litter box clean as cats are very particular about bathroom hygiene.

Russian Blues are generally healthy but beware of the cats™ hearty appetite which can turn them stout in no time.

Living Conditions

Russian Blues are very tolerant and accepting cats and get along well with children and other pets. They will even put up with clumsy children. Kids should be taught not to rough handle the cat.


The sheer elegance combined with intelligence makes Russian Blues ideal pets and engaging companions. They can be shy or reserved with people as they prefer surveying people and situations before they dive in. Once the cat feels you are worthy of his attention, there is no stopping him from showing you their affectionate. They love playing, jumping and retrieving. These cats are full of love and affection for their people but may stay away from guests. These cats thrive on attention and can become anxious and fearful if not paid enough attention.