
The Snowshoe is a mix of the American shorthair and the Siamese, both in appearance and in personality. It still retains the well-known Siamese personality and intelligence and this is a reason why it continues to be bred back to the Siamese.

Physical Traits

Area of Origin: United States
Used for: Companion
Average Life Span: 14-19 years
Color: Light cream and pointed
Coat: Soft and sleek
Average Height: Medium-sized
Average Weight: 10-12 pounds

History and Domestication

Dorothy Hinds-Daugherty, a breeder from Philadelphia is known to create this breed in the 1960s. She crossed a bicolor American shorthair with the Siamese and as a result a sturdy kitten with pointed and white markings was born. Vikki Olander, who was another breeder, wrote the standard for this breed and pressed for recognition which was subsequently achieved in 1974. Snowshoe was first recognized by the American Cat Association (ACA). The Snowshoe is still considered a rare breed and can be outcrossed to Oriental Shorthairs, American Shorthairs and Siamese.

Standard Physical Characteristics

The snowshoe is a well-balanced cat, neither too big nor too small. It has a firm and muscular body which is powerful and agile but not bulky. The medium-sized ears sit on top of the head and are triangular in shape. The eye color may vary from sparkling blue to pale blue gray. The oval shaped paws are tapering towards the toes. Kittens are born white and the point color only begins to develop when the kitten is at least two weeks old. As the kitten ages, the tail, head, legs and ears start to darken. The body is of a lighter color which may vary from light cream to darker shades.

Care, Grooming and Health

The coat is shorthaired with no undercoat. Only a single layer of a smooth coat is present which is very easy to groom. Comb them once a week to remove any dead hair. Check eyes and ears for any signs of infection and keep the litter box clean.

Snowshoes are generally healthy cats but some of them may have health problems related to the Siamese such as crossed eyes or kinked tail.

Living Conditions

The sparkling and affectionate Snowshoe loves attention and would make excellent pet in a house with kids. It can get along well with other cats and dogs if raised well and properly socialized.


The personality of a Snowshoe is as unique as its appearance. They can be very affectionate towards their people but completely aloof from strangers. However, just like snowflakes, no two cats have the same personality. Some of them can be shy while some can be bossy and some of them will gladly assume the role of a caretaker. They have a soft and melodic voice which you will get to hear a lot as they are very talkative. They are active and inquisitive and will offer delightful entertainment for hours. They form deep bonds with their chosen people but can be friendly with the rest.

Adoption Groups

Breed Organizations