
Tonkinese cats prove one thing for sure- cats are not aloof and anti-social creatures! In fact, once you meet a Tonkinese you will be surprised why you thought otherwise. These are vocal and affectionate cats who will demand your attention.

Physical Traits

Area of Origin: Canada
Used for: Companion
Average Life Span: 10-16 years
Color: 12 colors and patterns
Coat: Soft and silky
Average Height: Medium-sized
Average Weight: 6-12 pounds

History and Domestication

The Tonkinese breed was earlier known as the Chocolate Siamese as the breed is a combination of Burmese and Siamese genetics. The history of the breed can be traced back to the Middle Ages and the breed was imported to England in 1800s. The first Tonkinese imported to California was called Wong Mau and belonged to Dr. Joseph Thompson. This cat was thought to be a chocolate Siamese, which wasn’t unheard of. The first crosses between Siamese and Burmese began in 1950s and this is when breeders became in developing a Siamese like cat with a dark brown coat. The Canadian Cat Association recognized Tonkinese in 1967 and other cat associations followed suit.

Standard Physical Characteristics

The medium-sized cat has a moderate body which is neither too chunky, nor too sleek. The head of Tonkinese is a rounded wedge with medium-sized ears positioned on top. The ears have oval shaped tips and are broad at the base. The almond-shaped eyes can be green, blue, yellow-green or aqua in color and give the cat a very sweet expression. The muscular body is supported on slim legs and oval paws. The medium-length tail tapers towards the end. The medium-length coat is soft and silky to touch.

Care, Grooming and Health

The coat is short and soft and can be easily cared for. A bath is rarely necessary but comb or brush them once a week to remove dead hair and distribute skin oils. Brush their teeth regularly to avoid any periodontal diseases. Also check their eyes and ears regularly for any signs of infection. Keep their litter box clean.

Tonkineses are generally healthy cats but they may suffer from gingivitis and may be sensitive to anesthesia. Also because they share Siamese genes, they may be vulnerable to health problems faced by Siamese such as crossed eye, Amyloidosis etc.

Living Conditions

Tonkinese is a perfect pet for families with kids and cat-friendly dogs. He readily learns tricks and loves playing fetch.


The active, loving and friendly Tonkinese is lovingly nicknamed ‘Tonk’. This cat will not rest until he has all your attention and affection. He loves being involved in your life, will follow you around and happily ride on your shoulders. This is a social cat and loves meeting new people and wouldn’t like sitting at home all day long. It is better to get him a companion if you stay out most of the day. Like the Siamese, Tonk is intelligent and active. He is talkative but his voice isn’t raspy like Siamese.