
Behind the impressive appearance and elegant attitude, you will find an affectionate family dog with various talents. The Poodles are proud, clever and elegant and yet some prefer to call them as “beauty with no brains”. But truth be told, Poodles are extremely smart, intelligent and excel in obedience training.

Physical Traits

Area of Origin: Germany
Used for: Companion, obedience training, show dog
Average Life Span: 12-15 years
Color: Blue, black, white, gray, tan, apricot, cream
Coat: Curly, wiry and dense
Average Height: 10-12 inches (Standard)
Average Weight: 45-75 pounds (Standard)
Group: Non-sporting, toy

History and Domestication

This breed originated in Germany as a water retriever. The stylish “Poodle Clip” was designed by hunters to allow the dog wade through water with more efficiency. It is a very ancient breed and illustrations of such dogs can be found on Roman artifacts and Egyptian tombs. The larger or standard Poodle was used to hunt ducks while the miniature version was used to sniff out truffles in the woods. The tiny Poodle served as a companion to affluent classes and nobility.

Standard Physical Characteristics

A standard Poodle is a medium-to-large sized dog and has a square appearance. The muzzle is long and straight with a defined stop and a moderately rounded skull. The black or brown eyes are ovals-shaped and set somewhere far apart. The long and flat ears hang close to the head. The topline is level and the tail is set and carried high. The coat can be curly or corded.

Care, Grooming and Health

The Poodle doesn’t shed much so it is good for allergy sufferers. However, grooming a Poodle can be a daunting task as these are high- maintenance dogs. They not only need to be brushed and bathed regularly but the coat also needs major upkeep every three weeks. Daily brushing is required along with checking of ears and eyes.

Poodles need to be taken out for exercise on a regular basis. Long daily walks are essential along with obedience training. This is generally a healthy breed.

Living Conditions

The Poodle will do okay in an apartment as long as it is provided with regular exercise. As long as enough exercise is provided, they can adapt in any kind of living condition. They prefer living indoors with the family.


Poodles can be described as intelligent, loyal, mischievous and loving. These dogs have a distinct and dignified attitude which is not hard to miss. However, despite this regal and elegant appearance, Poodles are goofy and love to play and are always up for games. They are intelligent, ready to learn and willing to please and hence make highly trainable dogs. Poodles have a calm disposition but can be quite high-strung at times especially toy and miniature verities. Poodles are protective and if they sense anything suspicious, they will raise an alarm by barking. They get along with children well.