Portuguese Water Dog

The Portuguese Water Dog, or literally the Portuguese Cao de Agua is considered a working dog and first written traces of its existence can be found in a monk’s memoirs from the year 1297. This muscular dog is a lively companion and can be easily loved by all.

Physical Traits

Area of Origin: Portugal
Used for: House protection
Average Life Span: 12-15 years
Color: Black, brown, grey, black with white spots
Coat: Single coat, curly or wavy
Average Height: 17-22 inches
Average Weight: 35-60 pounds
Group: Gun dog, AKC working

History and Domestication

There are various theories revolving around the history of the Portuguese Water Dog and one of it suggests that these were developed from the working dogs in Iberian Peninsula. Working alongside the Portuguese fishermen, this breed of dog grew excellent at swimming and gained a reputation over more than a hundred years. The fishermen kept their coat long, which made it easier for them to swim and these dogs were used for various purposes. Some of them included passing messages between members of the ship or retrieve a torn net from the water.  With time, they’re utility reduced and by the 1930′, they reached the stage of being endangered. This is when the intervention, in the form of a breeding program, by the Portuguese trader Vasco Bensaude, helped in the increase in its numbers again.

Standard Physical Characteristics

The Portuguese Water Dog is a muscular dog with its head marginally longer than its muzzle, which has a stop that is well-defined. Its eyes are round and dark and medium-sized. Their teeth meet in a level bite and they possess black broad nose. The ears are shaped like a heart and can be seen hanging from a high setting. Their legs are straight and the tail is thick and tapers at the base. Their feet are webbed in order to help their swimming. They have a single but thick coat of curly or wavy fur.

Care, Grooming and Health

It is important that any dog is combed and brushed on a regular basis and the same is true for this breed of dogs too. The good part is that they do not shed fur as frequently as the other dog breeds like a poodle. This makes them suitable for people prone to allergies. 

These water dogs prefer living close to their family but that does not mean they are inactive beings. Since they are the working type of dogs, they have an immense supply of stamina and the owner should ensure that they take the dog out for a brisk walk every day at least once.

Living Conditions

This dog can live happily almost in any home environment. Even if it’s an apartment, it will suffice if there is a small yard for it to roam around in. Outside, they can live in temperate weather. But it has preferences too! And they would be at their best if they live close to their family and have a yard to run in.


These dogs of course, love water and are among the liveliest breeds among dogs. They are loyal and fun to have as a company. With successive and continuous training, they can be made to stay calm. They are not very fussy and can be entrusted with children too. They have an innate quality of understanding orders quickly. These are highly affectionate beings with a good amount of intelligence to their credit.