
The Pug is often called ‘a lot of dog in a small space’ or “multum in parvo”. They are sturdy and compact and have a calm disposition. Pugs love to show off and have a great sense of humor and due to this; their personality is often attributed as clownish. It is believed that their name comes from a Latin word for “fist” as their face resembles a human fist.obedience training.

Physical Traits

Area of Origin: Asia
Used for: Companion
Average Life Span: 12-15 years
Color: Fawn, apricot, silver and black
Coat: Short, fine and smooth
Average Height: 12-14 inches
Average Weight: 13-20 pounds
Group: Toy

History and Domestication

The Pug has flourished long before 400BC and is one of the oldest dog breeds. Due to its resemblance with the Pekingese, many researchers believe that the breed comes from Asia. The earliest known source of Pugs is China where they were kept as pets in Buddhist monasteries in Tibet. The breed then marked its presence in Europe and Japan and gained popularity when Prince William II was crowned the king of England. It is known that the prince owned various Pugs.

Standard Physical Characteristics

Pugs are stocky, small, compact and square dogs. They have a round head with a short, blunt but massive muzzle which has a square appearance. The dark eyes are large and prominent. The thin ears are small and rose or button shaped. The face has large, deep creases or wrinkles. The tail is high-set and curled over at the back.

Care, Grooming and Health

Pugs have a shorthaired and smooth coat which is easy to groom. Dry shampoo or bathe only when necessary. Brush or comb regularly using a firm bristle brush. The creases or folds on the face must be kept clean at all times. Pugs are seasonally heavy shedders.

Pugs are strong dogs with short legs. They need to be taken out for daily walks and indulged in energetic games. They need regular physical exercise but do not overdo it. Pugs tend to catch colds easily and are stressed by hot and cold weather. They are prone to skin problems and their short muzzle leads to ventilation problems. They are also prone to mast cell tumors.

Living Conditions

Pugs are good for an apartment living. They are inactive indoors and will do okay without a yard. They cannot stand extreme weather conditions and need to stay inside at a comfortable temperature.


Pugs were bred to be companion dogs and that is what they do best. They crave affection and will happily cuddle up in your lap. Pugs seem to be sedentary dogs and can sit in your lap while you watch a movie or read a book. But they are also keen, spirited and happy-g-lucky dogs. They are animated and clownish and their playful streak will keep everyone happy. They are highly intelligent and need variety in their training. They can also be stubborn and strong-minded; hence you need to be calm, firm and consistent with them. Pugs get along well with other pets and kids.