American Eskimo

The American Eskimo is small to medium sized dog, known for its absolutely bright white coat, erect triangular ears and jet black points like eye rims, nose and lips. They were used a circus dogs once but now used as companion dogs and actively participate in conformation, agility and obedience competitions. It has a white double coat which has a dense undercoat and longer guard hair which forms its outer coat and stands off from its body.

Physical Traits

Area of Origin: America
Used for: Companion
Average Life Span: 12-16 years
Color: White
Coat: Thick, dense and long double coat
Average Height: Toy (9-12 inches); Miniature (12-15 inches); Standard (15-19 inches)
Average Weight: Toy (6-10 pounds); Miniature (10-20 pounds); Standard (18-35 pounds)
Group: Northern, AKC Non-Sporting

History and Domestication

The dog belongs to Spitz family of Nordic breeds which developed around lakes in Switzerland some 700 years ago, is the ancestor of the American Eskimo dog.

The owners of the canines that would become the American Eskimo Dog immigrated to the country from Germany.

These dogs were brought to America and then changed their name to American Eskimo Dog due to anti-German wave in USA during World War 1.

Standard Physical Characteristics

This beautiful Nordic type dog resembles a miniature Samoyed. There are three varieties available- toy, miniature and standard. Its eras and erect and triangular shaped and tail is heavily plumed and curled at the back. The topline is level and good and neck is also well-carried. It can trot with bold and energetic action due to its good legs and feet. Its coat is always white or sometimes with a cream marking. The skin is gray or pink. The eyelids, nose and pads are black in color. The coat is especially around the neck which creates a mane or ruff specifically in males. The coat of an Eskie must not wave or curl.

Care, Grooming and Health

The American Eskimo needs his long daily walks everyday. It can also enjoy a safely enclosed yard which allows it to run free. It’s thick and snow white coat can be groomed easily. Brush twice a week with firm bristles. The breed sheds moderately.

This breed is prone to progressive retinal atrophy and hip dyslexia. The dog can also gain weight easily if not provided enough exercise or is overfed.

Living Conditions

This dog will be fine for an apartment life if provided enough exercise.


The Eskie is a loving and affectionate dog. These are excellent with children as they are hardy and playful. The dog can be alert and charming. Also because this do likes to please and has high intelligence, it is easier o train and often scores well in obedience training. American Eskimos like to work. If you let him have his own way, various behavioral issues might arise which include excessive barking, separation anxiety, willfulness, dog aggressiveness and guarding. If not provided with regular mental and physical exercise they can become high strung and hyperactive and will often spin around in circles. Because humans can be sensitive to smaller cute dogs, they often show a tendency to consider themselves pack leaders over humans.