Black and Tan Coonhound

The Black and Tan Coonhound was the first breed to be recognized separate from Foxhound from which it was cross-bred. The breed is an excellent hunter and worker.

Physical Traits

Area of Origin: United States of America
Used for: Hunting, tracking, watchdog
Average Life Span: 10-12 years
Color: Black with tan markings
Coat: Short and dense
Average Height: 23-27 inches
Average Weight: 50-75 pounds
Group: Hound

History and Domestication

A cross-breeding between black and tan foxhound and the Bloodhound with Talbot Hound (which is now extinct) led to creation of Black and Tan Coonhound.

This breed is best known for its use in trailing and treeing raccoon, howling at his quarry. The breed has been very successfully used for hunting other sorts of animals such as stag, bear, deer, opossum and mountain lion.

The breed has good and strong tolerance against extreme winters and intense heat. His other talents include hunting, tracking, agility and watchdog.

Standard Physical Characteristics

This is large and determined hunting hound. The head is in proportion to the body with a leveled topline. The length of the dog is slightly longer than its height at withers. The head has an oval outline with a long muzzle. The eyes are round in shape and of dark brown to hazel colors. Its long ears are set low and hang beyond the tip of the nose which is wide and black. Its skin fits loosely. The coat is short and dense with tan markings on limbs, muzzle and chest.

Care, Grooming and Health

The breed only needs occasional brushing but you must pay regular attention to prevent any kind of infections to occur.

The black tan coonhounds need vigorous exercise on a regular basis including long daily walks. The dog will do best with a job at hand and is recommended for an active family. The breed is also prone to hip dyslexia. Overfeeding must be avoided as they gain weight very easily.

Living Conditions

The breed is very active indoors so it is not recommended for an active life. The dog will do well with an average sized yard.


The dog pleases hunter and owner alike with its intelligence and good-natured hunting abilities. The black and tan coonhound is an eager and alert dog who is very dedicated towards its work. The dog is willing to listen to its master and gentle and friendly. The breed is generally considered well for older children but they can do well with younger lot too provided the dog is taught to respect the kid above him in the pack. If not trained properly, the dog can become aggressive or reserved with strangers. If not provided with enough exercise the dog may become high stung and can play rough. The dog requires firm, patient and confident training. In an unknown area, the dog shouldn’t be let off the leash as it may take after an interesting scent.